So I'm writing this blog. What can I say? I procrastinate. And I do it well.
For what I think is the millionth blog in a row I'll start by saying I've not really done much since my last blog. The truth is that I've actually done a lot; if sleeping, eating, reading books and watching tv actually counted as social activities. Sometimes they do, in the majority of cases for me they don't.
But hey, who needs people when you've got Merlin? Yeah I want people too #sadtimes.
Since I'm on the subject of Merlin I'll start there:
HOLY CRAP HAVE PEOPLE BEEN WATCHING SEASON FIVE?! IT'S FREAKING AMAZING! And if you don't watch it *cough* RHONA. You should be. It's seriously amazeballs. No judging, that's a real word now. No jokes. I'm ashamed of myself too, don't worry.
So yeah, life-changing events in the past two weeks.. Erm, none I don't think :/. I did have a close brush with losing an eye to scissors, but that's it. And I learnt a valuable lesson from that experience: Never let the hyper dog sit beside you when you're cutting your hair. Especially when you're cutting your fringe and have the sharp meat scissors about half an inch from your eyeballs. I didn't follow this common sensical advice and ended up nearly losing an eye, and having a fringe which is shorted than I wanted and makes me look about 5 years younger:

But hey, full fringe! You're back! And as much as I hated you when you were first cut about an inch shorter than you were wanted, you're starting to grow on me. A bit.
The rest of the stuff that's happened has been just as small and unimportant.
I beat my 12 year old sister at Monopoly Junior= win
I lost the instructions to the Game Of Life (best game ever) = lose
My football team are now winning 6-4 = win. At least until tonight when we're currently playing the best team in the league. And as I'm typing this sentence we're *just* losing 17-13.
My dad's football team are sucking serious ass. In their current game they're losing 24-3 =win
I lost a bar of chocolate. In my bed. I've been looking for about 3 hours. =lose
I bought a new hat = win
My sleeping patterns are seriously messed up. I've been going to sleep about 5am and waking up about 2pm. Which sucks = lose
So yeah, nothing really important. But anyway, I got a new tshirt! And a belt! And they're both Marvel!

The shirt says "I met him on the web!"
It really is that awesome/sad; delete as you see appropriate.
But hey, in 6 days it's December! And December means Pantomime, food, Christmas jumpers and onesies and generally good times. It also marks the first time Rhona, Emily, Melissa and I will have been together since September. Which has been waay too long.
But I've got my wee Christmas tree for my room, I've got my Santa hats, my Santa costume for the dog <3, Christmas dinner's at my house this year which means I have to make starters for everyone which means pressure which means I'm mildly freaking out.
But hey, CHRISTMAS. Home Alone, Polar Express, presents, and maybe this year I'll finally watch The Snowman. I tried a few years ago, but I fell alseep. Although waking up to the end of The Snowman was more fun than last year when I fell asleep on the sofa and woke up to my Dad hacking at zombies with a rusty knife on Dead Island. That was scary.
Plus I get to open my Spiderman advent calendar :D
The only bad thing about Christmas? I'll end up spending shit loads of money.
So yeah, there's my blog. If I ever do something exciting, you'll know about it. Until then, I hope I don't bore you all too much
Caitlin out bitchez