Sunday, 17 February 2013

The Perfect Man

Strange title, but bear with me.
Basically today Lauren and I were discussing what characteristics and features we'd put into a guy if we could create the perfect boyfriend.

Lauren being 13 was all 'cool, must have swag, buy me sweets, not be as good as me on Mario Kart'.
Turns out that I on the other hand am a little big more picky.
So here's my list for the perfect boyfriend:
(Note this person probably doesn't exist)


1) Height: Call me traditional, but the guy should always be taller. Not like Hulk-sized, but taller anyway.

2) Brown hair (or black). Brown haired guys are just so much more attractive and I don't even know why. (Ryan Gosling and the Hemsworth clan are the exceptions here). Seriously though, look at a list of hot male celebrities or whatever, and brown haired guys will dominate the list. Fact of life.

3) No beard. None. Imagine how scratchy it would be *shudders*. I will only concede on this point if he is one of those guys who reeeally suits facial hair, but I will still never accept Gandalf beardage.

And any other features I really aren't that fussed about. I mean Colin Morgan-sized cheekbones are a plus, but not a must.


1) Smart. Not genius level or anything, but a guy being really dumb is just horrible. He's got to be able to hold a decent conversation.

2) He's got to like watching tv or going to the cinema. Not sitting for hours vegetating in front of a tv, but he's got to be able to sit and watch a few hours of Supernatural or Chuck a week. Just a few.

3) Funny. If you're in a long lasting relationship the person has to be able to make you laugh. Not all the time, because it would start to hurt, but he's got to be able to crack a few jokes or make the occasional witty comment.

4) Either put up with some of my nerdier aspects, or even bring some of his own nerd-age to the table. Pretty self explanatory this one.

5) Be easygoing. I'm not particularly uptight, so it would annoy me if he was. He's got to be quite laid back, but not so laid back that he's horizontal.

6) Respectful. Again pretty self explanatory. He's got to respect himself, me, friends, family, random animals on the street. This one is a two way street though.

7) Not be OCD about cleaning. As anyone who has ever seen my bedroom will know, I'm not overly fussed about it being clean. So he cannot be a clean freak, or every conversation would become about that one time I skipped hoovering for a few days.

8) Spontaneous. I always wish I was more spontaneous, but I don't really get the chance to be. So if he was, life would be great.

And he's also got to: get all my references and make his own, like Lord of the Rings, Merlin and Harry Potter, not be allergic to Ellie, get along with my family (majorly important) and with my friends, not be a smoker or alcoholic or drug addict, not be a health freak, like playing Lego games, like the xBox, not be judgmental, not be a douche, and allow me enough wall/shelf space for all my posters/dvds and books.

So there you have it: if I could create the perfect man (or the perfect man for me), this is what he would be like.
Obviously I know that no one will ever be all these things, but I never once said this list was realistic, it's merely the ultimate level of boyfriend material EVER.

And hey, if any of you guys have any ideas for your perfect partner, either write them in a comment here or create your own blog (MELISSA).

Caitlin out bitches
(see, he'd get that reference)

Sunday, 10 February 2013

Hair, Stupidity, Slacking and TV shows

Everyone else (excluding MELISSA and Emily) wrote a blog, so PRESSURE.

Finally got that hair cut I said I needed at the end of the last blog. About an 8 inch hair cut. Which is great and all but I've just realised I spent £75 on hair extensions that I can't even use anymore. Because I'm *such* a smart person. (note the sarcasm).

But I must admit I've already noticed that the hair has had a profound affect on me! Let me explain: normally whenever I go clubbing with Fisher (tall and blonde: god help me) she is either constantly being chatted up, or I'm left by myself while she's pulling EVERY SINGLE PERSON IN THE CLUB.

WELL NOT THIS TIME. This time the roles were reversed. Don't worry, I didn't pull anyone (much to my mother's annoyance and confusion) but I got chatted up about 30 times. Yay me. I did shoot every single one down, but still counts! #yay.
Although Fisher did shout "£1 to whoever gets a pull first", ran up to this random guy and started pulling him while I just stood at the side and finished her drink. And in typical Fisher fashion it backfired as the guy came back to hers to use her loo and god knows what else happened while I was asleep downstairs, and he ended up nicking my bus fare and her purse when he left. That's right, he was a real classy guy.

Remember that "psycho-social" module I mentioned a blog or two ago? Turns out it's a Second Year module. It was listed on stuff we were given as a first year module, but this explains why I know no one in it. And why it makes no sense. I think my plan is the teach the work to myself, attempt the exam and see if I can pass without going to any lectures. I'll be getting awards for being a positive role model any day now, just you wait.

In another throwback to the last blog I finally managed to fix my mistake and buy Chuck Season 2. Although I do now have season 1 that HMV won't take back as it's not broken. Stupid Caitlin. And much to my parents dismay I watched 7 or 8 episodes a night in a row for 3 days and watched the entire season. I was happy, they weren't exactly: no idea why... And I spend more money I don't have and bought the first season of Psych; because Psych is amazing and hugely underrated and everyone should love it.

As I type this the 13 year old sister is watched Noddy in Toyland. Not even old episodes that she's rewatching because she loves them. She's watching the new series. This is the same girl who slags me off for watching shows that millions of adults watch as well as kids. This is the same girl who told me the other day that she's had at least 4 boyfriends. This is the girl that makes me worry more and more about both her and her generation every single day. *cries*

It took me a few weeks but I learned to count and realised I have a 3 day week and a 4 day weekend. This makes me verrrry happy.

And now to end with a picture of my face, because I like torturing you all.