Plus there's the fact that my test is at 8.20, meaning I've got a lesson at 7.15. Yay. Great.
So yeah, I'm bored so here's a blog. Bet you guys are chuffed, 2 blogs in 2 days. I spoil you.
Things I Do When I'm Nervous:
1. Do anything I can to avoid doing what I'm supposed to be doing. This one's pretty self explanatory; I literally do ANYTHING except the one thing I'm meant to be. I once spent 6 hours up town by myself wandering around with no money because my mum wanted me to clean the house for her and I pretended I had plans so couldn't. Most boring 6 hours of my life? Definitely. Half an hour I can do, or longer if I actually have money/things to do. But 6 hours of wandering from the West End to the East and back again over and over again? Shit. Completely and utterly shit. I know cleaning the house isn't something to be nervous about, but it was more an example of how far I'll go to avoid doing stuff.
A better example would be this week. I was terrified that I'd fail the 2 online tests that I had to do to pass my modules, and first year. I was so nervous that I didn't do them. Each test had an hour as the time limit, but I left it so late that I started the first of 3 (one test had 2 attempts) at 16.12. So I had 48 minutes to do 3 hours worth of test. I finished with 13 seconds left until the tests closed. I got 65% on one, and no idea about the other one, so fingers crossed.
2. Eat. Doesn't matter if I'm nervous about a test, doing something new or just nervous about a tv show's future, I'll eat. Chocolate, marshmallows, pizza; it doesn't matter. It's a really bad habit I've gotten into, but I just can't stop. I've literally sat before and thought "ok, there's a selection box in my room, but I'm not going to eat it" only to realised half an hour later that I'm halfway through a bar of chocolate from it. I had bought 2 selection boxes for kids I babysit a week ago, and I've only got one bar left from the both of them. I'm a truly awful, often nervous person.
A better example would be this week. I was terrified that I'd fail the 2 online tests that I had to do to pass my modules, and first year. I was so nervous that I didn't do them. Each test had an hour as the time limit, but I left it so late that I started the first of 3 (one test had 2 attempts) at 16.12. So I had 48 minutes to do 3 hours worth of test. I finished with 13 seconds left until the tests closed. I got 65% on one, and no idea about the other one, so fingers crossed.
2. Eat. Doesn't matter if I'm nervous about a test, doing something new or just nervous about a tv show's future, I'll eat. Chocolate, marshmallows, pizza; it doesn't matter. It's a really bad habit I've gotten into, but I just can't stop. I've literally sat before and thought "ok, there's a selection box in my room, but I'm not going to eat it" only to realised half an hour later that I'm halfway through a bar of chocolate from it. I had bought 2 selection boxes for kids I babysit a week ago, and I've only got one bar left from the both of them. I'm a truly awful, often nervous person.
3. Cry. Buckets and buckets of tears. This only applies to tv shows obviously. And even then only tv shows I care very deeply about. And honestly, I'm not even a little bit ashamed.
I would write about what makes me nervous, but It's 1.14 and I'm kind of tired so I'll do a quick list and maybe expand someday, but probably not because it wouldn't be very entertaining.
Here goes:
Exams, essays, missing buses, meeting people, hanging out with people I've not long known, buying presents, receiving presents, season finales, not knowing about series renewals (Hurry up and announce if Young Dracula's getting another season stupid BBC), having no credit (i'm always certain I'll be in a car crash and need to call an ambulance but have no credit), nightmares, spiders, sweetcorn, speed bumps, new things, old things I haven't done for a while, meeting people's familys, sleeping alone (haven't done so in about 6 months; the dog sleeps with me. monsters might attack if I'm alone), there being no chocolate/food in the house, when my sisters put giant pebbles in my bed, the Merlin finale (! :'( ), when my dad takes me driving and criticises me the whole time, car parks and spaces, and having to ask for things.
A good example of the last one: lending my ID out on monday, being told "i'll bring it back on tomorrow". I thought tomorrow meant the day following this one, meaning I should have gotten my ID back on Tuesday. Out of interest I've waited to see how long it would take, it's now the early hours of Saturday morning and I still haven't heard. And I need my licence for my test which is in several days. I'M NERVOUS and slightly pissed. BUT MOSTLY NERVOUS.
After looking at everything I typed I've realised I get nervous at quite a lot of things. But hey, that's life.
I'm going to end on 2 things completely unrelated to this blog:
1. Sarah attempted to dye her hair from blonde to 'dark brown' today. She did it on herself, and has returned home to discover she's missed the entire middle section of her hair, so she has a blonde horizontal stripe halfway down her brown hair.
It's hilarious. Utterly butterly brilliant and hilarious.
2. We finally have a new Christmas tree! This isn't a big deal to most people, but my dad bought our old tree 26 years ago when he moved into his own house. So I wasn't even an idea when the tree was bought. And for the first time in my lifetime we have a new tree, and I love it :D
I would write about what makes me nervous, but It's 1.14 and I'm kind of tired so I'll do a quick list and maybe expand someday, but probably not because it wouldn't be very entertaining.
Here goes:
Exams, essays, missing buses, meeting people, hanging out with people I've not long known, buying presents, receiving presents, season finales, not knowing about series renewals (Hurry up and announce if Young Dracula's getting another season stupid BBC), having no credit (i'm always certain I'll be in a car crash and need to call an ambulance but have no credit), nightmares, spiders, sweetcorn, speed bumps, new things, old things I haven't done for a while, meeting people's familys, sleeping alone (haven't done so in about 6 months; the dog sleeps with me. monsters might attack if I'm alone), there being no chocolate/food in the house, when my sisters put giant pebbles in my bed, the Merlin finale (! :'( ), when my dad takes me driving and criticises me the whole time, car parks and spaces, and having to ask for things.
A good example of the last one: lending my ID out on monday, being told "i'll bring it back on tomorrow". I thought tomorrow meant the day following this one, meaning I should have gotten my ID back on Tuesday. Out of interest I've waited to see how long it would take, it's now the early hours of Saturday morning and I still haven't heard. And I need my licence for my test which is in several days. I'M NERVOUS and slightly pissed. BUT MOSTLY NERVOUS.
After looking at everything I typed I've realised I get nervous at quite a lot of things. But hey, that's life.
I'm going to end on 2 things completely unrelated to this blog:
1. Sarah attempted to dye her hair from blonde to 'dark brown' today. She did it on herself, and has returned home to discover she's missed the entire middle section of her hair, so she has a blonde horizontal stripe halfway down her brown hair.
It's hilarious. Utterly butterly brilliant and hilarious.
2. We finally have a new Christmas tree! This isn't a big deal to most people, but my dad bought our old tree 26 years ago when he moved into his own house. So I wasn't even an idea when the tree was bought. And for the first time in my lifetime we have a new tree, and I love it :D

Just realised this is the first blog I've ever written outside of my bedroom. I feel dirty. This is probably due to the dog jumping on my bowl of cereal earlier and covering both me and my bed with milk. Thank god for waterproof sheets.
So yeah, a pretty lame blog. But considering my day was spent driving in the rain, making children dance the Gangnam Style over and over again, and the highlight of it was being given a card by the chippy, consider yourself lucky. It could have been a lot lamer.
Peace ma homies