Tuesday, 11 December 2012

Inspiration Required

So if you've read this blog before you know that I'm quite a boring person.  And being quite boring means that I don't really have a lot to blog about; unless writing "slept in, watched tv all day, went back to sleep" is counted as great blogging. Which it's not. Who knows, maybe one day that's what society will become.

But for now I need things to blog about. When I first started this blog I did a couple of themed blogs; like one on things I was scared of. So to try and make my blogging more interested I want comments in here about what to blog about! I need your help! *imagine the WW2 poster which I can't be bothered googling and pasting here*

So yeah, that's it really. Write a comment on an idea for a themed blog or a topic I can either rant or rave above.
Creative hats on!


  1. How about you choose your favourite brand of -ade eg. limeade, and explain why. We all know limeade is the best so if you don't choose that I will want to know why. Also in writing this I really want a limeade :(

  2. favourite bands/artists/musicians?
    favourite films (not just guilty pleasure ones?)
    favourite modes of procrastination?
    likes/dislikes/thoughts about public transport?
    potential new years resolutions?
    things you wish you could do/want to learn to do?
    thoughts about the supposed end of the world?
    favourite/least favourite books?
    best season and why?

    gah, i dunno, it's midnight-ish and i'm meant to be doing an essay, these are my awful contributions!

  3. Merlin
    What an amazing your friend Emily is ;)
