Decided to change my title format from the previous blog onwards, deal wiv it bruv.
On with the blog!
I've spent nearly every night of the past fortnight playing Assassin's Creed 3. I kind of suck at it, but I'm getting better, so yay for me. Plus Sarah had 4 friends over on friday and when they walked into me assassinating some guards with a wine glass in my hand they said I was pretty cool. Take that Sarah. Muaha.
But don't worry guys, I won't be assassinating you anytime soon. Given my track record I'd be more likely to kill myself by mistake than kill anyone else on purpose.
Fun fact of the day: The first literary use of the word 'assassination' was by Shakespeare in MacBeth. See, you learn stuff from me. Not just a pretty face.
Fiiiinally got an iPhone, and I have instantly become one of *those* people. You know the sort, they just sit on a sofa (or if you're a slow walker in my house; the floor) and play games for hours. Many many hours. I'm that person. Whether I'm playing Bike Race against the kid I babysit, Angry Gran Run, Temple Run 2 or even the occasional Stupid Zombie; I think I'm addicted. Not overly addicted, I still have plenty of time for tv. But still quite addicted.
Talking of tv leads me onto the last point mentioned in the title for this blog. Chuck. Weirdly enough Blogger is telling me that 'iPhones' is spelled wrong, but 'Chuckiversarys' isn't. Maybe Blogger is just super cool. But yeah, Sunday 27th was the first anniversary since Chuck finished. And man do I miss it. Chuck was one of those rare shows that mixes drama, comedy, action and romance perfectly. The cast was superb, the writing was amazing and the show was just generally awesome. I'm glad that it got a decent ending, but I still resent the fact that there was an ending. Chuck should have run for years longer than it did. I want more Chuck #sadface. So yeah, Saturday I watched the first season and a half, Sunday the remainder of Season 2 and all of 3 and some of 4, today (Monday) I've just got 2 episodes of season 4 left and it's on to Season 5: the final season: SOB.
So yeah, I'm all emotional. You would be too if you watched Chuck. #NerdHerdForLife
TIGERLILYS. If you've never been (excluding Rhona, who still isn't allowed in), GO. You've been missing out.
Chocolate fondue and highly alcoholic cocktails.
Tigerlily's <3
Oh, another thing that's made me highly emotional is the fact that we've started doing Chemical calculations in uni. Another name for these is mindless torture. The less said about calculations, the better.
I did a very stupid thing the other day. I thought I'd bought Chuck season 2 from HMV (I had it in my hand). When I got home I put it in the dvd shelf, thought it was odd that it had the same design on the spine (poet!) as Season 1 and realised I've bought season 1 again. I'm an idiot. The universe just loves finding new ways to prove it to me.
And something looong overdue is happening this week: I'm booking a haircut. My first one in 8 months: scary stuff. I'm just planning on a trim, but I get nervous in the hairdressers so I might end up bald or something. I should explain that when hairdressers do my hair it turns out looking waay thinner than when I do it because they have to straighten it so much to cut it properly. This just leaves me super anxious worried that they've thinned it too much. But my hairdresser is awesome so she'd never do that. Doesn't stop me worrying though. So yeah, if it looks bad please don't mention it.
Anyway, it's now 0103am, I've got a dog to walk, a hot chocolate to make, truffles to eat and Chuck episodes to load.
G'night mate
Monday, 28 January 2013
Monday, 21 January 2013
Bad Days and Scary Sisters
"How was your day Caitlin?" IT WAS BAD.
So the day lulled me into a false sense of security in the morning when I received an email saying that my morning lecture had been cancelled. All good so far. Then I fell asleep, woke up at half 12 and had to rush out the door to university. I actually got to take the car, mostly because my mother was half asleep when I asked.
On the whole, the day was alright so far. And then all of a sudden it wasn't. In a big way.
I managed to drive to Currie with everything going fine when the car started juddering and making a weird noise. Managed to pull over before the car cut out. Which was bad. Called my dad expecting help but I was told "I'm busy concentrating on the roads in a blizzard, phone the RAC and pretend to be your mum". So long story short it took the RAC TWO FUCKING HOURS to send out a tow truck, by which point I had nearly frozen to death because there was no heating in the car and I forgot a jumper. I then spent an hour in a random garage where it turned out that when my dad had moved the car out of the driveway and into the street last night he had flooded the engine. So at least there wasn't a major problem and the car is fine now.
Although the RAC and garage people believed I was a 43 year old woman. Which is bad.
So yay, a fun day.
But one thing tonight made my day slightly better. Me and my sister Sarah found our wee sister Lauren's page.
And oh my god it's hilarious.
She literally lied in every single question, and we have no idea why.
For example, we found out today that we have family friends: brothers named Sam and Dean. Coincidentally these people seemed to pop up when Lauren started watching Supernatural...
We also found out that a year ago in February, Sam committed suicide leaving us all heartbroken. Lauren was 'dating' Dean at the time but broke up with him because of her grief at Sam's death.
Dean also keeps posting paragraphs on the page begging Lauren to take him back because she's the only girl he's ever loved.
Weirdly enough he makes the exact same spelling mistakes Lauren does.
Oddly enough I'd never heard about my 'old family friend' Sam's suicide.
And if that's not the most bizarre story to make up, I don't know what is.
(Although she did say in another answer that I was 'funny and cute' so she's clearly getting some stuff right)
Oh, and I also missed the part were she 'ran away from home and lived with gran for a week'. I think my memory's going.
Also the emoticon at the end of this q&a worries me:
What is your relationship status?
Single ;)
The kid is 13. Damn right she's single and should be for at least 2 more years. NO WINKY FACES FOR 13 YEAR OLDS! CHANGE THE LAWS.
Seriously my sisters are going to be the death of me. If it's not Lauren's friends constantly talking about the fact that since starting high school she's 'gone out with' Kyle, Fin (who isn't real), Dean (again, fake), Cammy, Craig, Keiron and Jack, it's Sarah tweeting about sex.
Here's some examples:
""Can we cuddle" no but I can finger you"
"@_erinjane tongue piercings make you better at blowjobs, just saying;)" TO MY 15 YEAR OLD COUSIN
"I swallowed your cum, the least you could do is text back" (A retweet but still!)
My wee sister ladies and gentlemen. And people wonder why I worry.
At least she broke up with the boyfriend, one last thing to worry about. Although when you describe your boyfriend as "really ugly, annoying and an idiot" it's pretty obvious the relationship won't last long..
So yeah, once again I'm the nerdy, immature one of the family being "out-matured" by my sisters as they put it.
But I would much rather be the way I am than be all lying-er-y and trying to seem way cooler than I am by always talking about sex.
And we'll see who has the last laugh in the future bitches ;)
So the day lulled me into a false sense of security in the morning when I received an email saying that my morning lecture had been cancelled. All good so far. Then I fell asleep, woke up at half 12 and had to rush out the door to university. I actually got to take the car, mostly because my mother was half asleep when I asked.
On the whole, the day was alright so far. And then all of a sudden it wasn't. In a big way.
I managed to drive to Currie with everything going fine when the car started juddering and making a weird noise. Managed to pull over before the car cut out. Which was bad. Called my dad expecting help but I was told "I'm busy concentrating on the roads in a blizzard, phone the RAC and pretend to be your mum". So long story short it took the RAC TWO FUCKING HOURS to send out a tow truck, by which point I had nearly frozen to death because there was no heating in the car and I forgot a jumper. I then spent an hour in a random garage where it turned out that when my dad had moved the car out of the driveway and into the street last night he had flooded the engine. So at least there wasn't a major problem and the car is fine now.
Although the RAC and garage people believed I was a 43 year old woman. Which is bad.
So yay, a fun day.
But one thing tonight made my day slightly better. Me and my sister Sarah found our wee sister Lauren's page.
And oh my god it's hilarious.
She literally lied in every single question, and we have no idea why.
For example, we found out today that we have family friends: brothers named Sam and Dean. Coincidentally these people seemed to pop up when Lauren started watching Supernatural...
We also found out that a year ago in February, Sam committed suicide leaving us all heartbroken. Lauren was 'dating' Dean at the time but broke up with him because of her grief at Sam's death.
Dean also keeps posting paragraphs on the page begging Lauren to take him back because she's the only girl he's ever loved.
Weirdly enough he makes the exact same spelling mistakes Lauren does.
Oddly enough I'd never heard about my 'old family friend' Sam's suicide.
And if that's not the most bizarre story to make up, I don't know what is.
(Although she did say in another answer that I was 'funny and cute' so she's clearly getting some stuff right)
Oh, and I also missed the part were she 'ran away from home and lived with gran for a week'. I think my memory's going.
Also the emoticon at the end of this q&a worries me:
What is your relationship status?
Single ;)
The kid is 13. Damn right she's single and should be for at least 2 more years. NO WINKY FACES FOR 13 YEAR OLDS! CHANGE THE LAWS.
Seriously my sisters are going to be the death of me. If it's not Lauren's friends constantly talking about the fact that since starting high school she's 'gone out with' Kyle, Fin (who isn't real), Dean (again, fake), Cammy, Craig, Keiron and Jack, it's Sarah tweeting about sex.
Here's some examples:
""Can we cuddle" no but I can finger you"
"@_erinjane tongue piercings make you better at blowjobs, just saying;)" TO MY 15 YEAR OLD COUSIN
"I swallowed your cum, the least you could do is text back" (A retweet but still!)
My wee sister ladies and gentlemen. And people wonder why I worry.
At least she broke up with the boyfriend, one last thing to worry about. Although when you describe your boyfriend as "really ugly, annoying and an idiot" it's pretty obvious the relationship won't last long..
So yeah, once again I'm the nerdy, immature one of the family being "out-matured" by my sisters as they put it.
But I would much rather be the way I am than be all lying-er-y and trying to seem way cooler than I am by always talking about sex.
And we'll see who has the last laugh in the future bitches ;)
Sunday, 13 January 2013
"I'm Blogging Here, I'm Blogging Here!"
So far my 2013's been pretty awesome, but there's not much time for anything to have gone wrong, so its probably not an indicator for the year as a whole.
There has been two bad things, but more on those later. Yeah, watch me build up suspense and tension.
What have been the good things that have happened you ask?
To be honest in the grand scale of good things to happen in the world, they probably don't rank very highly, or even at all, but for me they were pretty great.
PS. Saw The Hobbit last year, but it was AMAZING and I'm seeing it again with the wee sister this week for her birthday.
1) After 3 months Young Justice came back. And it was kick-ass. To be fair it's always kick-ass, but Before The Dawn was really just an excellent 22 minutes of television. By anyone's standards. And if you don't trust me, trust; they reviewed it and loved it too.
2) I rewatched all 3 seasons of Avatar: The Last Airbender. I know that out of two things on this list so far they've both been 'kids' tv shows, but seriously you cannot judge either by their intended audience. A:TLA won sooo many awards and was constantly named one of the best animation series ever by both adults and children alike. I fell in love quite late, in October 2007 on my flight to Florida, where I spent all 9 hours of the overnight flight solely watching it. It's seriously brilliant. The story is so original and engrossing, and the animation is simply stunning and breathtaking. Seriously, if you've never seen it, give it a go. You'll probably be surprised. It holds a 9.1 rating from over 50,000 users on IMDB, so that tells you how amazing it is. So yeah, WATCH IT
3) I found my favourite hat and began a renewed obsession. It's quite a plain hat: grey and beanie style, but it's just great.
See, it's great.
4) Finally got more pictures up in my room and got my 3d Hobbit cover and my Iron Man 3 poster up. #winning
Needs no more explanation of awesomeness.
6) I've got Thursdays and Fridays free this trimester at university so can hopefully get a job and contribute to petrol money/food bills for the house.
7) My hair is finally starting to go nice when left naturally. Although if I brush it, all hell breaks loose.
Curly hair!!!! And all I did was brush my fringe #winning
8) We found out Sarah has a boyfriend named Steven. And the best part? She genuinely thinks he's really ugly. I know looks aren't everything/ all that important, but surely you have to be physically attracted to your boyfriend in some way? And considering Sarah's room is covered in half naked 'hot' men I find this really hilarious
9) My dad got my mum the best Christmas present ever. Hamish the Highland Cow. And he's a pillow.
How awesome is Hamish? Pretty awesome.
10) This exchange from my family in the car about holidays:
Mum: "What about Holland, Brian says there's a good campsite there."
Lauren: "But I don't want to go to Holland! I want to go abroad!"
Mum: "Holland is abroad."
Sarah: "Er Mum, Holland's down south"
Mum: "Trust me, it's across the North Sea"
Sarah: "No.. that's Ireland."
Mum: "Ireland's on the other side of Scotland"
Dad: "I thought Holland was in France?"
Lauren: "Wait, are we going to Ireland?"
I've never laughed so much in the Zafira.
And now to the bad.
There's really only been two bad things happen and one of them has severely pissed me off.
I took an 'online' module because it seemed better than Plant Science (mainly because plants: boring, and because it was online compared to Plant Science's 9-5 Thursdays and Fridays)
However, it turns out the university lied to me! I have to go to a lecture on Monday mornings 10-12 for my module (which is called The psycho-social perspectives of science: Health, Illness and the Body by the way, and has lectures entitled "Social Inequalities and Health Status: The Social Context of Health and Disease", "The Rise of the Biomedical Model and Scientific Medicine" and my personal favourite: "Loss, Death and Dying". Unfortunately, I have absolutely no interest in the subject at all, and I've already decided I hated when my lecturer sent an email to an "extremely interesting" article on "Does Lead Poisoning Make Subjects Violent?". God I hope we get to test this on each other.
But aside from the existence of a lecture, it's timings mean that every second week it clashes with my tutorial for another module. All of my friends are in my tutorial group, so I don't want to change at the time when everyone's in the same groups from last year and has already got their friendship groups.
So yeah, suggestions for what to do would be nice.
And the other bad thing that I've been building suspense up to?
But aside from the existence of a lecture, it's timings mean that every second week it clashes with my tutorial for another module. All of my friends are in my tutorial group, so I don't want to change at the time when everyone's in the same groups from last year and has already got their friendship groups.
So yeah, suggestions for what to do would be nice.
And the other bad thing that I've been building suspense up to?
I was trying to watch Snow White and the Huntsman, but it still had a security tag on it. So somehow I thought it would be a bright idea to use knives to lever the security tag out. It wasn't. I had a wee knife pushing the tag up while using a big knife to get under the tag and wiggle it out. I wiggled too hard, and sent the knife about a centimetre deep into my finger. Which doesn't sound like a lot, but trust me it is. Especially since it basically runs the length of my finger. I did have the finger just plastered up, but every time it got bent it would crack and bleed again, so I've had to immobilise it with proper dressings and surgical tape. And as bizarre as it sounds, you use your index finger a lot more than you think you do. Writing, typing, even flushing the loo (we've got button flushes instead of handles in the bathroom) is really difficult with my right hand. And Practical Biology on Wednesday isn't going to be much fun. Just so long as I'm not doing microbiology, wouldn't want it getting infected with e-coli or something...
And now I've freaked myself out.
So yeah, it's only been 2 weeks, and it's been pretty great. Although I did manage to spend £40, get reeeally drunk and end up walking home from Tollcross to George Street at 3.30am past policemen and everything while Fisher got a taxi because she'd lost me. Hopefully that doesn't happen again anytime soon.
Bring on the next 50 weeks
Thursday, 3 January 2013
2012. Actually Pretty Damn Good.
I know, I know, I was going to blog more often then didn't blog for nearly 3 weeks; I'm a terrible person. But you know, Christmas and stuff got in the way and there's a blog here to (hopefully) satisfy your blog needs. Or at the very least make you stop and think "god I hate when Caitlin blogs..."
Either way, you're noticing this and I count that as a win.
How did I bring in the new year i hear you ask? With a lot of drunken adults and mini fires.I'll explain. My father had the oh-so-bright idea of buying HUGE chinese lanterns in a relatively windy Scotland. Anyone who has ever lit chinese lanterns will know that they do not work in the wind. Cue us setting a rockery and a driveway on fire to our neighbour, and a small portion of fence to someone in the next street. And no one knows what happened to the third lantern. So that was a major fail. But drunken adults do not make the best judgement calls especially when one of them is my father. But apart from that, Hogmanay was EXCELLENT .
So now it's 2013 (the first year to feature a numerical sequence since 1423 by the way. fun fact for you. don't say I'm not good to you all). And after reading Rhona's 'year in review' blog, I got thinking about my year.
So what happened for me in 2012? I turned 18, I left high school, I started university, I got quite drunk quite often, I rediscovered my love of Spiderman, I passed my theory test and my practical driving test, I realised how great my friends were, and I got drunk.
Contrary to how it sounds, it was a super awesome year.
"But Caitlin, where is the proof this was a super awesome year?" You ask. Luckily I've got pictures to prove it. Way too many to put up here, but here's a selection of my favourites.
Between Ibiza, London, camping, and the general good times with my friends quite a lot has happened this year. Even though I've spent a lot of the year sitting on my arse.
And there's more photos that I love, but I just went through the photos I'm tagged in on Facebook, and these were my favourites from there.
PS the top three photos went weird when I added captions so I just didn't do the rest... sorry. You'll just have to guess my emotions in each picture. Think of it as added fun.
So here's the 2013, the hope that it's just as good as 2012 (even without Merlin *sobs*) and maybe even a wee bit better.
Here's to more holidays, and more tv marathons and more cinema trips and more epic days with all my friends and family.
Either way, you're noticing this and I count that as a win.
How did I bring in the new year i hear you ask? With a lot of drunken adults and mini fires.I'll explain. My father had the oh-so-bright idea of buying HUGE chinese lanterns in a relatively windy Scotland. Anyone who has ever lit chinese lanterns will know that they do not work in the wind. Cue us setting a rockery and a driveway on fire to our neighbour, and a small portion of fence to someone in the next street. And no one knows what happened to the third lantern. So that was a major fail. But drunken adults do not make the best judgement calls especially when one of them is my father. But apart from that, Hogmanay was EXCELLENT .
Genuinely love this. |
I started off the year in style |
There's a recurring theme... |
So what happened for me in 2012? I turned 18, I left high school, I started university, I got quite drunk quite often, I rediscovered my love of Spiderman, I passed my theory test and my practical driving test, I realised how great my friends were, and I got drunk.
Contrary to how it sounds, it was a super awesome year.
"But Caitlin, where is the proof this was a super awesome year?" You ask. Luckily I've got pictures to prove it. Way too many to put up here, but here's a selection of my favourites.
Between Ibiza, London, camping, and the general good times with my friends quite a lot has happened this year. Even though I've spent a lot of the year sitting on my arse.
And there's more photos that I love, but I just went through the photos I'm tagged in on Facebook, and these were my favourites from there.
PS the top three photos went weird when I added captions so I just didn't do the rest... sorry. You'll just have to guess my emotions in each picture. Think of it as added fun.
So here's the 2013, the hope that it's just as good as 2012 (even without Merlin *sobs*) and maybe even a wee bit better.
Here's to more holidays, and more tv marathons and more cinema trips and more epic days with all my friends and family.
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