Monday, 21 January 2013

Bad Days and Scary Sisters

"How was your day Caitlin?" IT WAS BAD.

So the day lulled me into a false sense of security in the morning when I received an email saying that my morning lecture had been cancelled. All good so far. Then I fell asleep, woke up at half 12 and had to rush out the door to university. I actually got to take the car, mostly because my mother was half asleep when I asked.
On the whole, the day was alright so far. And then all of a sudden it wasn't. In a big way.

I managed to drive to Currie with everything going fine when the car started juddering and making a weird noise. Managed to pull over before the car cut out. Which was bad. Called my dad expecting help but I was told "I'm busy concentrating on the roads in a blizzard, phone the RAC and pretend to be your mum". So long story short it took the RAC TWO FUCKING HOURS to send out a tow truck, by which point I had nearly frozen to death because there was no heating in the car and I forgot a jumper. I then spent an hour in a  random garage where it turned out that when my dad had moved the car out of the driveway and into the street last night he had flooded the engine. So at least there wasn't a major problem and the car is fine now.

Although the RAC and garage people believed I was a 43 year old woman. Which is bad.

So yay, a fun day.

But one thing tonight made my day slightly better. Me and my sister Sarah found our wee sister Lauren's page.
And oh my god it's hilarious.
She literally lied in every single question, and we have no idea why.

For example, we found out today that we have family friends: brothers named Sam and Dean. Coincidentally these people seemed to pop up when Lauren started watching Supernatural...
We also found out that a year ago in February, Sam committed suicide leaving us all heartbroken. Lauren was 'dating' Dean at the time but broke up with him because of her grief at Sam's death.
Dean also keeps posting paragraphs on the page begging Lauren to take him back because she's the only girl he's ever loved.
Weirdly enough he makes the exact same spelling mistakes Lauren does.
Oddly enough I'd never heard about my 'old family friend' Sam's suicide.

And if that's not the most bizarre story to make up, I don't know what is.
(Although she did say in another answer that I was 'funny and cute' so she's clearly getting some stuff right)

Oh, and I also missed the part were she 'ran away from home and lived with gran for a week'. I think my memory's going.
Also the emoticon at the end of this q&a worries me:
What is your relationship status?
Single ;)
The kid is 13. Damn right she's single and should be for at least 2 more years. NO WINKY FACES FOR 13 YEAR OLDS! CHANGE THE LAWS.

Seriously my sisters are going to be the death of me. If it's not Lauren's friends constantly talking about the fact that since starting high school she's 'gone out with' Kyle, Fin (who isn't real), Dean (again, fake), Cammy, Craig, Keiron and Jack, it's Sarah tweeting about sex.
Here's some examples:

""Can we cuddle" no but I can finger you"

"@_erinjane tongue piercings make you better at blowjobs, just saying;)" TO MY 15 YEAR OLD COUSIN

"I swallowed your cum, the least you could do is text back" (A retweet but still!)

My wee sister ladies and gentlemen. And people wonder why I worry.
At least she broke up with the boyfriend, one last thing to worry about. Although when you describe your boyfriend as "really ugly, annoying and an idiot" it's pretty obvious the relationship won't last long..

So yeah, once again I'm the nerdy, immature one of the family being "out-matured" by my sisters as they put it.

But I would much rather be the way I am than be all lying-er-y and trying to seem way cooler than I am by always talking about sex.

And we'll see who has the last laugh in the future bitches ;)


  1. Oh my goodness, this is HILARIOUS! :L xxxxxxxxx
