Tuesday 18 June 2013

Ten Of The Best... Films Released in 2012

I've been having conversations with my mother (when she's actually talking to me) about favourite things and I've realised that I don't have one favourite in a particular category. I have several favourites. So film is a major problem for me to choose my top ten in as there are just so many, and so many that I love.
Now I had already written this blog two weeks ago and accidentally deleted it. And then I really couldn't be bothered re-writing it, so I'm slightly late with this one, but I'll write another one either today or tomorrow to make up for it. God forbid you should have to miss one of my blogs.

Also, a quick update on an earlier blog: Ten Of The Best... Still Airing TV Shows. After only 2 episodes of Graceland have aired, it has firmly kicked Falling Skies' ass and knocked it out of my top ten list. Well done Graceland, stay awesome. Also, watch it: it's about a house full of undercover agents for the FBI, DEA and customs who do undercover stuff, and it's amazing.

So in no particular order; here are my:

Ten Of The Best... Films Released in 2012

The Hunger Games

I love this film, I love Jennifer Lawrence, I love the story, I love all the casting.
I can't really say much apart from that. I just love the book, and I love how faithful the film was to the book. All the cast were excellent at their parts and the film was just exactly how I had imagined the book would look and feel. 
Plus, it's got Jennifer Lawrence. Who makes everything awesome,

The Avengers

Yeah I know, how original that I've got the record-breaking, highest grossing film of the year and 3rd highest grossing film of all time on my list. But sshh you, it's a pretty amazing movie. Pretty much all of the Avengers had good introductory movies (ignoring The Hulk) and The Avengers was just incredible. The cast are amazing (RDJ <3), the storyline was good, the humour was quite British (American humour is normally over the top), and Joss Whedon just did a fantastic job. 10/10

The Amazing Spider-Man

One word about this film: amazing. It really does live up to the title. I can't write about this without comparing it to the Raimi trilogy, so here goes in as short a way as I can manage. I do love the first two Raimi films, but the third goes a *little* strange. However, I like this version more for several reasons. 1) Emma Stone is in it. 2) The characters (Peter and the existence of Gwen) are more faithful to the original comics. Tobey Macguire always played the role slightly too serious for my liking, and Garfield just plays it better. 3) Andrew Garfield (face and body. what?) is much hotter than Tobey. Although Tobeyface is entertaining.
I think this film just feels more true to the original story and characters and this portrayal of PP/S-M, is more in line with how he is shown in other comics and animated series. It just works better.
Although yes, I admit the crane thing was overly cheesy and slightly stupid.

And I'm going to take this opportunity to say that although I'm happy that Sony has announced two more sequels today for 2016 and 2018 after the one in 2014, I'm also gutted because this means that Sony isn't giving up the rights to Spider-Man anytime soon meaning he won't be in any Avengers/Marvel films. *cries in corner*

Perks Of Being A Wallflower

Ah Perks of Being A Wallflower, how I love thee. I love how faithful the film was to the book, which is mostly down to the author directing the film. The cast are great, the music is great, the story is great, the visuals are great. Everything truly is just great.
I could go on forever about how much I love this, but in the interests of you guys being alive and not dead from boredom by the end of this blog, I'll just leave it at: "I love this film. And Logan Lerman's face."


Ignoring all the stuff about time paradoxes this was a really superb movie. The acting was great, the effects were pretty decent and the storyline was good. Although there is the questions about 'if young joe stopped old joe then old joe never came back so young joe would never have met the family, so they would never be there and neither would he' but you could talk about that for days and never get anywhere, so I'll ignore that and focus on just how great this movie is.


I know, I know, this list is incredibly predictable. But when it comes to excellent movies I'm okay with being predictable. Even if I did spell predictable wrong four times there while typing; I'm tired, sue me.
I'll admit I've only seen the spoof Casino Royale, Die Another Day and all of Craig's movies, but this was definitely my favourite. I'll keep it short because my reasons are much like the reasons for the other films: good cast, good acting, good plot, etc. Also Javier Bardem, Y U so into the homoerotic not-so-subtext?

OKAY. It's 00.32, which isn't that late but I'm absolutely exhausted and have an early morning and fell asleep for about ten minutes on my laptop just now, so I'm going to stop writing this again and finish it tomorrow night. I'm going to post it because I've got the update things flashing at me, so the laptop will restart when I turn it on tomorrow and I don't want to lose all the writing I've already done.
Also, this will end up being a Top Eleven list because I just CANNOT narrow it down any further, so deal with it please.

To tide you over until tomorrow, I leave you with this picture. Amazing Spider-Man 2 is filming in NY right now, and since it's such a tight suit, once Andrew Garfield is in it, he stays in it for the day. Which means that between takes he has to walk his dog around NY city like this: 
And I just can't stop laughing.

Until tomorrow my friends!

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