Saturday, 27 October 2012

I Love The Smell Of Blogs In The Morning

Things have actually gone alright for me since my last blog. Which is unusual for my life. There are several reasons for this:
I finally got to see Perks of Being A Wallflower. Which was as breathtaking as I thought it would be and more. Seriously, everyone go see this movie. I'll go with you all! But back to the point; the film is just a perfect adaptation with a perfect cast and a perfect soundtrack and perfect visuals and holy crap it was perfect!
Plus it had Logan Lerman in it. And that's always good. Logan Lerman is a god (half literally in Percy Jackson). I mean, look at his face: 

Perfection right there.

Who wouldn't love that face? It's perfect. Much like Perks of Being A Wallflower was. God I love Logan Lerman. Gah!

I finally PASSED MY THEORY TEST! And I've booked my practical, but you're never finding out about it until I've passed or failed it. No matter how much anyone begs or bribes (I accept chocolate).  I may have forgotten about it and only studied the night before (in between about 5 episodes of Suits) but I still did it :D. And I didn't have to pay my parents for failing it, which is always a bonus. But woo, only lost 4 marks on the entire test so I'm pretty damn chuffed, yay.
I went on a night out the other Wednesday and got bought (i haven't done English for a while, shh) about 25 drinks, which is always pretty good :). On said Wednesday I also got chatted up about 10 times and asked out. Just shows what spending about 10 minutes extra getting ready and not sleeping in and rushing can do for you. Apparently a lot.

I've seen some pretty kick-ass TV episodes recently. Between 1.5 series of Suits (credit to Rhona, my bad), and the most recent episodes of Grimm, Supernatural, and season 3 of Vampire Diaries my TV schedule has done pretty damn good. And from me, that's saying something. If you don't watch any of the shows mentioned, you should. You're missing out.

I got some books I wanted pretty cheaply on offer. Basically, I worked out a way to scam W H Smith, and I like not spending crap loads of money. I had a couple of vouchers, a discount card and a 3 for 2 offer on kids books. I bought 3 books which should have cost me £21. I spent £5. #Winning

I got a badass Space Invaders t-shirt. And regardless of what my family thinks, it's cool. Or at least I think it does, which probably means it isn't. But ah well, I love it. And that's all that matters, isn't it. The picture won't go in here, so it's going to randomly be at the bottom. #rubbishtechnology

The iPhone deal I'm getting has come in, which hopefully means I get my new phone this week and get rid of my shitty Samsung temp. Seriously, I think the Samsung is about 20 years old. It's awful. Plus there's the fact that a 31 minute phone call cost me £11. How do people survive on pay as you go? I'm struggling and I've had it for 8 days.

Some also great but not as important things:
1) The new Total Film magazine came out this month. Even though I did look really weird looking at the mens magazines right beside all the ones like 'Nuts' and 'FHM'. Morrisons staff member that asked me if I was in the right place: a) Bit homophobic there dude, maybe I wanted to see naked women?(i didn't) b) I swear I was looking at all the Sci Fi magazines! c) I went 'omg i must have that!' at The Hobbit holographic covers on Empire, not at the Nuts magazine.
2) I bought new chocolate milkshake powder and Nesquik cereal. It's the little things guys.
3) Bought new hairdye, good bye weird looking brown roots and highlights in otherwise black hair. Normality <3
4) Shit happened, I was ok with it. I think. Ask me again next week. But for now, I'm ok with it.
5) Got to babysit my now 1 year old (as of today!) neighbour again and I love him. I want a baby. Mum's ordered me to wait at least 10 years. Despite my badgering, she still won't have a forth. If the idea of it wasn't so gross I'd steal all her pill supplies. But ew, we're onto a bad subject now...
6) Said baby neighbour loves me! We were over there today (27th) and he spent the entire time either sitting on me or trying to get to me. Plus I got given cake, which we then shared. Guys, it was cuteness overload.

So yeah, it's been a pretty decent week for me this week. Which probably means that this was a boring blog, but who cares? You do? Oh.. never mind then...

Said promised Space Invader t-shirt:

To quote Russell Howard: Goodnight my friends!

Wednesday, 17 October 2012

You Bloggin' To Me?

I haven't blogged for nearly 2 weeks, which in blog terms is like 10 years, so I thought I'd blog again.
But to be honest, I'm a boring person so this probably won't be a very long blog.
Especially since the lack of comments or anything on my recent blogs suggest you guys aren't reading these anymore #sadface

So anyway, life.
'So how has your life been?' You might ask. In short, I haven't really done much, so there's not much to tell. But I shall anyway, just because it's my blog and I can write the biggest amount of crap if I want to.

And speaking of 'my' blog, MELISSA WRITE A DAMN BLOG ALREADY!
There, got it out of my system :).

I've spent the majority of the past 2 weeks either having tons of money or having none. In the space of a week I managed to spend £120. Wowzers (People should say wowzers more often. Try it, it's great). But in my defence I managed to get 2 books, a poster, a tv series, high-tops, and shit loads of food. Because who needs money when you can buy food? Except for when you have no money to buy food with. But sh, leave me alone.
So then came a week where I had to either blag a lift or walk to uni. Which is horrible guys! 2 hours of trekking either on busy roads or through a field. And a muddy field in the rain does not mix with £1.50 canvas shoes from Primark.
And buses! Buses have become the bane of my life. The past few days I've had drivers who won't go above 20mph, drivers who run red lights, drivers who FORGET THEIR BLOODY ROUTES and go the wrong bloody way and drivers who have questioned my bus discount card which clearly looks like me and clearly states "valid until 21 June 2013". Although I have gotten away with paying about £2 less for a day ticket than I should, which is great.

'How's uni going?' is another question you might ask. The answer? It's actually pretty good. I'm hardly in uni and when I am in it's not for very long. Except every second Wednesday. When I have a 3 hour gap. Because damn you lecturers. On the other hand my lecturers are actually pretty great. They're all "we're all equals, call us by our first names while we tell you about the years we've spent researching in Kenya and Madagascar". Yeah, because I really feel like an equal there.
Probably the worst thing to happen to me in uni was in the Practical Lab on Monday. We were supposed to use this wee needle thing, put it on our fingers and push the lever to send the needle into our skin. Which sounds easy, but is really scary. Even though you know it's only a pinprick, you still don't want to jab a needle into your own skin. It's not really a normal thing to do. But I did it! And in a typical Caitlin fashion I did it wrong. Instead of holding the needle still, I got a massive fright when it clicked and jabbed me, twitched and threw the needle a good 8 feet across the room. And I managed to puncture a couple of veins in the process. Cue my finger pouring with blood, and still bleeding 4 hours later. I even bled through about 40 layers of tape. Which is bad. So bad that I went pale, shaky and nearly passed out. Which lead to the one advantage of nearly bleeding myself out: my lecturer bought me a venti hot chocolate. My first ever venti from Starbucks!
Don't judge me for my Xbox love
Charlotte, you are now my favourite lecturer! Except for Ah Nya, because Ah Nya rules. And not only because she's an environmental biology who's email address is A.Plant, or because she somehow has my mobile number even though I've never given it to her. If she ever wanted to become a stalker, she has the right set of skills.

The bittersweet thing about the past 2 weeks? I've spent most of them sitting on my arse drinking chocolate milkshake while eating chocolate bars. Although I have gotten through a good 2500 pages of various books, which is always an achievement to me.
And it's been my mum's birthday which means one thing:

So life's been alright. I finally have money again, (£100!! confetti and rainbows and ponies!), although I'm out tonight (Wed) and Saturday, so goodbye money.

And now you've read this massively long blog post. 'What's in it for me?' I hear you ask? This:

Thursday, 4 October 2012

Fasten Your Seatbelts, It's Going To Be A Bumpy Blog

My blogs seem to be coming thick and fast and probably very boring right now. But ah well, deal with it.

So what to write about this time? Well, at this precise moment (5pm on a thursday) I'm sitting in my bed surrounded by empty Lucozade Sport bottles wearing pig pyjamas and an Avengers t-shirt. No joke. See? Proof:

There's also the fact I've looked like this all week. Yep, rather pathetic.

(GUYS GUYS GUYS MY HAIR IS KIND OF CURLY! Or it was yesterday before I slept on it)

So that gave me an idea. I'll write about the weird things I do. Maybe someone out there in the far reaches of the galaxy will actually give a damn. But hey, my blog, shut up and read. Or close the page, whatever dude, pfft.

1) I sleep facing away from the door. Now I didn't think this was weird, apparently it is. According to Sheldon Cooper (he's real goddammit!) it's basic instinct to face the door in case of an intruder. Yet it's my window that scares me most. I mean my room is not the most obvious room in the house, yet my window has a sloped roof in front of it and everything. Jeez, if I was a burglar I'd go in through the window. It's also to do with the way I sleep and if I faced the door I'd probably suffocate. Which would be unpleasant. For me at least.

2) I collect nerdy mugs. I've got them all. From Doctor Who, to an original 2001 Harry Potter to Supernatural and Back To The Future to my recently aquired Spiderman, I love mugs. But not any old mugs, ah, I like the nerdy ones. The ones from shows or movies I like, the ones that most normal people wouldn't have. Why? Because those mugs are the coolest. They're not just plain or a general pattern, they show a bit of who I am. And if you don't want to learn what tv shows the person who owns the mug that you're randomly drinking out of loves, then you don't deserve to use their mug.

3) I spend crap loads of money on stuff I never use in public. I don't know how many t-shirts I own that I'll probably only rarely, or never, use where people can see me. My AC/DC, Avengers, Gryffindor, Supernatural or Bucs t-shirts aren't really going to give people the impression of me that I want them to get. So I usually only wear them in the house or as pjs. Combined I think these things cost me roughly £120- which is a lot for lazy clothes. But hey, why not dress nicely for sleeping?

4) I get really really really addicted to tv shows. If I find a tv show I like, I will watch it. All of it. Non stop. For days. Until I finish it. And then I'll drive myself crazy waiting for the next season to begin. And while I'm waiting I'll start a new tv show and the whole thing repeats itself over and over again until it becomes a never ending cycle which results in me never leaving my room, becoming completely antisocial and evolving so I never have to move. Yeah, the ideal life. Except for the antisocial part. Although I suppose I could just get visitors. Yeah, I like that idea.

5) World's. Fussiest. Eater. So at the point of writing this I haven't eaten anything for days. All I've had has been water and Lucozade Sport. Yay. But even on a normal day I eat very badly. The main part of a normal person's diet? Fruit and vegetables. Main part of my diet? Chocolate. I'm the type of person that will sit and say "god damn I need to lose weight" and then eat an entire bar of Galaxy. Which doesn't exactly help with the losing of weight. But it get fussier than eating chocolate and not fruit and veg. I like pretty much all fish, but not any other form of seafood. I don't like red meat, unless it's a steak pie. I eat potatoes: boiled, mashed, baked (all without skin, which is yucky) but roast potatoes? Holy crap they're gross.  But as I always say, if I ate the same things as every one else, it'd be boring. Easier, but boring.

I can't even think of anything to write. Maybe I'm just used to myself and the weird things I do, or maybe I'm more normal than I thought.
Yeah, definitely not the latter.
Who knows, maybe I'll update this as some point. Help would be appreciated :D

Tuesday, 2 October 2012

Here's Looking At You, Blog

To me, the idea of spending a couple of days lounging around the house sounds great. Better than great. It means I can eat what I want, look as horrible I want, where whatever the hell I want and do whatever I want (to a certain degree: parents eugh).
I can watch entire TV seasons in a day, spend hours playing COD or Lego Harry Potter, eat an entire tub of Ben And Jerry's. Just have fun.

Until the addition of illness. Then it becomes the complete opposite of fun. It becomes like a prison. The idea of not going outside makes it feel like you're stuck inside rather than choosing to ignore the outside world. The Xbox and the Wii are downstairs; a place that seems miles away.
And Ben And Jerry's? Those once-delicious tubs of ice cream start to sound as appealing as a vat of toxic waste. (Although if I could get superpowers, I'd eat so much toxic waste).

Yep, you may have guessed: I'm ill. And I'm really not happy about it.

I've spent the past two days lying in bed watching tv and reading books. Sounds great fun, it isn't. I can't sit up for more than an hour, so I constantly have to bend my neck in ways it isn't supposed to bend. Which doesn't exactly make you feel better. At all.
Then there's the fact that I have 3 lab sessions on Microbiology, which count for 25% of my module mark (made up of attendance and a lab report) meaning I have to write a lab report on experiments I've never done and put down results I don't have. Yay. 3rd week at uni and I'm failing already.

The worst thing about being ill? I haven't eaten since sunday night. And what I ate on sunday night didn't stick around past monday morning. This just means that I'm constantly craving food, I'm constantly starving. And I can't eat for fear of a reoccurence of monday morning. Let's go no further than that except to say it was bad, real bad.
And the worst thing about craving food and being hungry? It usually results in me dry-heaving over the toilet for about an hour. Which unsurprisingly enough; isn't fun. At all.
And sleep. Ugh, it's decided to screw with me even more. I fell asleep at 8.30pm last night on the floor of the toilet, and woke up in bed at 4am. I've been awake since. BODY, WHY DO YOU HATE ME?

Only 4 good things have happened to me since Sunday night:
1) I got to rewatch all of 'The Fades' and it was as amazing as before.
2) A new episode of Castle came out this morning (Tuesday)
3) A planned trip to Looper was cancelled, so I didn't have to disappoint anyone by not being able to go.
4) Ellie hasn't left my side since Monday morning. She slept beside me last night, and either sits beside me during the day or sleeps on the floor. Here she is right now (12.48, Tuesday) :

Now that's love. And maybe just because my floor's really comfy with it's mixture of cushions, onesies, and a sleeping bag that she's made her bed.

I'll not even post a picture of myself, somehow the webcam makes me look about a million times better than I feel. Shock I look good on camera when I'm stuck in bed and not going out or anything.
*shakes fist angrily*

In conclusion? Being ill sucks, but then I'm sure everyone would agree.