Wednesday, 17 October 2012

You Bloggin' To Me?

I haven't blogged for nearly 2 weeks, which in blog terms is like 10 years, so I thought I'd blog again.
But to be honest, I'm a boring person so this probably won't be a very long blog.
Especially since the lack of comments or anything on my recent blogs suggest you guys aren't reading these anymore #sadface

So anyway, life.
'So how has your life been?' You might ask. In short, I haven't really done much, so there's not much to tell. But I shall anyway, just because it's my blog and I can write the biggest amount of crap if I want to.

And speaking of 'my' blog, MELISSA WRITE A DAMN BLOG ALREADY!
There, got it out of my system :).

I've spent the majority of the past 2 weeks either having tons of money or having none. In the space of a week I managed to spend £120. Wowzers (People should say wowzers more often. Try it, it's great). But in my defence I managed to get 2 books, a poster, a tv series, high-tops, and shit loads of food. Because who needs money when you can buy food? Except for when you have no money to buy food with. But sh, leave me alone.
So then came a week where I had to either blag a lift or walk to uni. Which is horrible guys! 2 hours of trekking either on busy roads or through a field. And a muddy field in the rain does not mix with £1.50 canvas shoes from Primark.
And buses! Buses have become the bane of my life. The past few days I've had drivers who won't go above 20mph, drivers who run red lights, drivers who FORGET THEIR BLOODY ROUTES and go the wrong bloody way and drivers who have questioned my bus discount card which clearly looks like me and clearly states "valid until 21 June 2013". Although I have gotten away with paying about £2 less for a day ticket than I should, which is great.

'How's uni going?' is another question you might ask. The answer? It's actually pretty good. I'm hardly in uni and when I am in it's not for very long. Except every second Wednesday. When I have a 3 hour gap. Because damn you lecturers. On the other hand my lecturers are actually pretty great. They're all "we're all equals, call us by our first names while we tell you about the years we've spent researching in Kenya and Madagascar". Yeah, because I really feel like an equal there.
Probably the worst thing to happen to me in uni was in the Practical Lab on Monday. We were supposed to use this wee needle thing, put it on our fingers and push the lever to send the needle into our skin. Which sounds easy, but is really scary. Even though you know it's only a pinprick, you still don't want to jab a needle into your own skin. It's not really a normal thing to do. But I did it! And in a typical Caitlin fashion I did it wrong. Instead of holding the needle still, I got a massive fright when it clicked and jabbed me, twitched and threw the needle a good 8 feet across the room. And I managed to puncture a couple of veins in the process. Cue my finger pouring with blood, and still bleeding 4 hours later. I even bled through about 40 layers of tape. Which is bad. So bad that I went pale, shaky and nearly passed out. Which lead to the one advantage of nearly bleeding myself out: my lecturer bought me a venti hot chocolate. My first ever venti from Starbucks!
Don't judge me for my Xbox love
Charlotte, you are now my favourite lecturer! Except for Ah Nya, because Ah Nya rules. And not only because she's an environmental biology who's email address is A.Plant, or because she somehow has my mobile number even though I've never given it to her. If she ever wanted to become a stalker, she has the right set of skills.

The bittersweet thing about the past 2 weeks? I've spent most of them sitting on my arse drinking chocolate milkshake while eating chocolate bars. Although I have gotten through a good 2500 pages of various books, which is always an achievement to me.
And it's been my mum's birthday which means one thing:

So life's been alright. I finally have money again, (£100!! confetti and rainbows and ponies!), although I'm out tonight (Wed) and Saturday, so goodbye money.

And now you've read this massively long blog post. 'What's in it for me?' I hear you ask? This:


  1. Dude, I totally love and fangirl over your blog posts! I just never know what to comment cause I'm super awkward and put far too much scrutiny and thought into what I'm going to say!
    Never stop bloggin' <3

  2. Haa I love reading your blog posts cause they make me feel really good about myself. I went to Capoeira for the first time yesterday and nearly died. But damn were there some hot guys there. I just wish I could do a handstand.

    But yeh. Funny. Laughed so much at the bit with you bleeding. Love You! xxx

  3. I always read your blogs, just I'm the same as Rhona.. plus I'm an idiot when it comes to trying to type in those stupid robot letters haha. You'd better be reading all my blog posts after peer pressuring me into writing more btw :p xxxxxxxx

  4. Aw, I've just seen these comments now <3. I think that's a sign I should actually check the blogs once in a while haha

    And beth, trust you to laugh at my misfortune :(
