Tuesday, 2 October 2012

Here's Looking At You, Blog

To me, the idea of spending a couple of days lounging around the house sounds great. Better than great. It means I can eat what I want, look as horrible I want, where whatever the hell I want and do whatever I want (to a certain degree: parents eugh).
I can watch entire TV seasons in a day, spend hours playing COD or Lego Harry Potter, eat an entire tub of Ben And Jerry's. Just have fun.

Until the addition of illness. Then it becomes the complete opposite of fun. It becomes like a prison. The idea of not going outside makes it feel like you're stuck inside rather than choosing to ignore the outside world. The Xbox and the Wii are downstairs; a place that seems miles away.
And Ben And Jerry's? Those once-delicious tubs of ice cream start to sound as appealing as a vat of toxic waste. (Although if I could get superpowers, I'd eat so much toxic waste).

Yep, you may have guessed: I'm ill. And I'm really not happy about it.

I've spent the past two days lying in bed watching tv and reading books. Sounds great fun, it isn't. I can't sit up for more than an hour, so I constantly have to bend my neck in ways it isn't supposed to bend. Which doesn't exactly make you feel better. At all.
Then there's the fact that I have 3 lab sessions on Microbiology, which count for 25% of my module mark (made up of attendance and a lab report) meaning I have to write a lab report on experiments I've never done and put down results I don't have. Yay. 3rd week at uni and I'm failing already.

The worst thing about being ill? I haven't eaten since sunday night. And what I ate on sunday night didn't stick around past monday morning. This just means that I'm constantly craving food, I'm constantly starving. And I can't eat for fear of a reoccurence of monday morning. Let's go no further than that except to say it was bad, real bad.
And the worst thing about craving food and being hungry? It usually results in me dry-heaving over the toilet for about an hour. Which unsurprisingly enough; isn't fun. At all.
And sleep. Ugh, it's decided to screw with me even more. I fell asleep at 8.30pm last night on the floor of the toilet, and woke up in bed at 4am. I've been awake since. BODY, WHY DO YOU HATE ME?

Only 4 good things have happened to me since Sunday night:
1) I got to rewatch all of 'The Fades' and it was as amazing as before.
2) A new episode of Castle came out this morning (Tuesday)
3) A planned trip to Looper was cancelled, so I didn't have to disappoint anyone by not being able to go.
4) Ellie hasn't left my side since Monday morning. She slept beside me last night, and either sits beside me during the day or sleeps on the floor. Here she is right now (12.48, Tuesday) :

Now that's love. And maybe just because my floor's really comfy with it's mixture of cushions, onesies, and a sleeping bag that she's made her bed.

I'll not even post a picture of myself, somehow the webcam makes me look about a million times better than I feel. Shock I look good on camera when I'm stuck in bed and not going out or anything.
*shakes fist angrily*

In conclusion? Being ill sucks, but then I'm sure everyone would agree.


  1. Caitlin... is that your floor? I thought it was a cushion factory not somewhere people are supposed to be able to walk! xxx
