There's also the fact I've looked like this all week. Yep, rather pathetic.
(GUYS GUYS GUYS MY HAIR IS KIND OF CURLY! Or it was yesterday before I slept on it)
So that gave me an idea. I'll write about the weird things I do. Maybe someone out there in the far reaches of the galaxy will actually give a damn. But hey, my blog, shut up and read. Or close the page, whatever dude, pfft.
1) I sleep facing away from the door. Now I didn't think this was weird, apparently it is. According to Sheldon Cooper (he's real goddammit!) it's basic instinct to face the door in case of an intruder. Yet it's my window that scares me most. I mean my room is not the most obvious room in the house, yet my window has a sloped roof in front of it and everything. Jeez, if I was a burglar I'd go in through the window. It's also to do with the way I sleep and if I faced the door I'd probably suffocate. Which would be unpleasant. For me at least.
2) I collect nerdy mugs. I've got them all. From Doctor Who, to an original 2001 Harry Potter to Supernatural and Back To The Future to my recently aquired Spiderman, I love mugs. But not any old mugs, ah, I like the nerdy ones. The ones from shows or movies I like, the ones that most normal people wouldn't have. Why? Because those mugs are the coolest. They're not just plain or a general pattern, they show a bit of who I am. And if you don't want to learn what tv shows the person who owns the mug that you're randomly drinking out of loves, then you don't deserve to use their mug.
3) I spend crap loads of money on stuff I never use in public. I don't know how many t-shirts I own that I'll probably only rarely, or never, use where people can see me. My AC/DC, Avengers, Gryffindor, Supernatural or Bucs t-shirts aren't really going to give people the impression of me that I want them to get. So I usually only wear them in the house or as pjs. Combined I think these things cost me roughly £120- which is a lot for lazy clothes. But hey, why not dress nicely for sleeping?
4) I get really really really addicted to tv shows. If I find a tv show I like, I will watch it. All of it. Non stop. For days. Until I finish it. And then I'll drive myself crazy waiting for the next season to begin. And while I'm waiting I'll start a new tv show and the whole thing repeats itself over and over again until it becomes a never ending cycle which results in me never leaving my room, becoming completely antisocial and evolving so I never have to move. Yeah, the ideal life. Except for the antisocial part. Although I suppose I could just get visitors. Yeah, I like that idea.
5) World's. Fussiest. Eater. So at the point of writing this I haven't eaten anything for days. All I've had has been water and Lucozade Sport. Yay. But even on a normal day I eat very badly. The main part of a normal person's diet? Fruit and vegetables. Main part of my diet? Chocolate. I'm the type of person that will sit and say "god damn I need to lose weight" and then eat an entire bar of Galaxy. Which doesn't exactly help with the losing of weight. But it get fussier than eating chocolate and not fruit and veg. I like pretty much all fish, but not any other form of seafood. I don't like red meat, unless it's a steak pie. I eat potatoes: boiled, mashed, baked (all without skin, which is yucky) but roast potatoes? Holy crap they're gross. But as I always say, if I ate the same things as every one else, it'd be boring. Easier, but boring.
I can't even think of anything to write. Maybe I'm just used to myself and the weird things I do, or maybe I'm more normal than I thought.
Yeah, definitely not the latter.
Who knows, maybe I'll update this as some point. Help would be appreciated :D
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