Friday, 14 December 2012

If I’m Gonna Get My Blog Blown Off For A Word, My Word Is Poontang.

Today I realised something. I realised that the next driving lesson I have is the driving lesson before my test. And I realised that I'm shitting myself. I'm worried I'm going to fail, and disappoint my parents and have to pay for driving lessons for the next too months and end up living in a cardboard box because of this one failure.
Plus there's the fact that my test is at 8.20, meaning I've got a lesson at 7.15. Yay. Great.

So yeah, I'm bored so here's a blog. Bet you guys are chuffed, 2 blogs in 2 days. I spoil you.

Things I Do When I'm Nervous:

1. Do anything I can to avoid doing what I'm supposed to be doing. This one's pretty self explanatory; I literally do ANYTHING except the one thing I'm meant to be. I once spent 6 hours up town by myself wandering around with no money because my mum wanted me to clean the house for her and I pretended I had plans so couldn't. Most boring 6 hours of my life? Definitely. Half an hour I can do, or longer if I actually have money/things to do. But 6 hours of wandering from the West End to the East and back again over and over again? Shit. Completely and utterly shit. I know cleaning the house isn't something to be nervous about, but it was more an example of how far I'll go to avoid doing stuff.
A better example would be this week. I was terrified that I'd fail the 2 online tests that I had to do to pass my modules, and first year. I was so nervous that I didn't do them. Each test had an hour as the time limit, but I left it so late that I started the first of 3 (one test had 2 attempts) at 16.12. So I had 48 minutes to do 3 hours worth of test. I finished with 13 seconds left until the tests closed. I got 65% on one, and no idea about the other one, so fingers crossed.

2. Eat. Doesn't matter if I'm nervous about a test, doing something new or just nervous about a tv show's future, I'll eat. Chocolate, marshmallows, pizza; it doesn't matter. It's a really bad habit I've gotten into, but I just can't stop. I've literally sat before and thought "ok, there's a selection box in my room, but I'm not going to eat it" only to realised half an hour later that I'm halfway through a bar of chocolate from it. I had bought 2 selection boxes for kids I babysit a week ago, and I've only got one bar left from the both of them. I'm a truly awful, often nervous person.

3. Cry. Buckets and buckets of tears. This only applies to tv shows obviously. And even then only tv shows I care very deeply about. And honestly, I'm not even a little bit ashamed.


I would write about what makes me nervous, but It's 1.14 and I'm kind of tired so I'll do a quick list and maybe expand someday, but probably not because it wouldn't be very entertaining.
Here goes:
Exams, essays, missing buses, meeting people, hanging out with people I've not long known, buying presents, receiving presents, season finales, not knowing about series renewals (Hurry up and announce if Young Dracula's getting another season stupid BBC), having no credit (i'm always certain I'll be in a car crash and need to call an ambulance but have no credit), nightmares, spiders, sweetcorn, speed bumps, new things, old things I haven't done for a while, meeting people's familys, sleeping alone (haven't done so in about 6 months; the dog sleeps with me. monsters might attack if I'm alone), there being no chocolate/food in the house, when my sisters put giant pebbles in my bed, the Merlin finale (! :'( ), when my dad takes me driving and criticises me the whole time, car parks and spaces, and having to ask for things.
A good example of the last one: lending my ID out on monday, being told "i'll bring it back on tomorrow". I thought tomorrow meant the day following this one, meaning I should have gotten my ID back on Tuesday. Out of interest I've waited to see how long it would take, it's now the early hours of Saturday morning and I still haven't heard. And I need my licence for my test which is in several days. I'M NERVOUS and slightly pissed. BUT MOSTLY NERVOUS.

After looking at everything I typed I've realised I get nervous at quite a lot of things. But hey, that's life.

I'm going to end on 2 things completely unrelated to this blog:
1. Sarah attempted to dye her hair from blonde to 'dark brown' today. She did it on herself, and has returned home to discover she's missed the entire middle section of her hair, so she has a blonde horizontal stripe halfway down her brown hair.
It's hilarious. Utterly butterly brilliant and hilarious.

2. We finally have a new Christmas tree! This isn't a big deal to most people, but my dad bought our old tree 26 years ago when he moved into his own house. So I wasn't even an idea when the tree was bought. And for the first time in my lifetime we have a new tree, and I love it :D
And it may not look it, but that photo took some serious working of my stomach muscles. Muscles I don't really have. Also I'm sitting on the floor, and this tree is about 6ft high at least. It's great. Ignore the face in this too; it's doing weird facey things that only faces can do.

Just realised this is the first blog I've ever written outside of my bedroom. I feel dirty. This is probably due to the dog jumping on my bowl of cereal earlier and covering both me and my bed with milk. Thank god for waterproof sheets.

So yeah, a pretty lame blog. But considering my day was spent driving in the rain, making children dance the Gangnam Style over and over again, and the highlight of it was being given a card by the chippy, consider yourself lucky. It could have been a lot lamer.

Peace ma homies

Thursday, 13 December 2012

The Stuff That Blogs Are Made Of

Okay, in true Caitlin fashion I'm writing this blog instead of tidying my room. Apologies to the gas man that's coming to check the radiators tomorrow. Although I like to think that I'm helping him become a better radiator-checker. Instead of doing mundane checks on a really mundane radiator every time he comes to my house he gets to go on a wee treasure hunt; the treasure being the aforementioned radiator. I think he secretly enjoys it.

And also in true Caitlin fashion I ended up at the doctors today. Turns out I've got a urine infection and I'm on antibiotics. My main issue with this? I'm not allowed alcohol while on them. And I was supposed to be going out on friday night. Hating life 2K12.

Anyway, blogging. I asked for inspiration, boy did I get some. Basically I'm going to do a different blog as often as I can be bothered on each of the different topics given.

To start off; Beth: Orangeade is the best. Limeade is a distant second, but will never be on par with Orangeade. Never.

I'll write a New Year Resolution blog closer to New Year, and a Merlin blog after the finale so I can sum up all my feelings. Until then, I'll just work through the random topics provided by Rhona in the last blog. Onwards and upwards I hope.

So on to the main topic of this blog:
Things I Wish I Could Do/Want To Learn.

1. Martial Arts. Absolutely no doubt here. I grew up watching all the good and crappy martial arts films with my dad so I've always liked watching it. Hell, one of my favourite films ever is a martial arts film (films will be a later blog). But I think the level of martial arts performed by the likes of Jackie Chan and Bruce Lee was always so high that it never seemed achievable for a mere mortal such as myself. And then 2006 came; the first Alex Rider novel Stormbreaker was released in cinemas and I just wanted to be able to do it. I mean I was 12, I knew it was all achieved through camera work and stunt doubles who had trained for years, but I guess the fact that it was supposed to be a 14 year old kid doing all the stuff just made me feel like I could do it too. And the fact that in the film Alex can do all different kinds only made it seem ever cooler.
Unfortunately, despite all my begging and pleading my parents never did pay for me to go to a class. I would go now if I didn't think I was too unfit for it; which I am, purely and simply. Maybe once I start going to a gym and become fitter I might start going to one. That's the aim, and I'll do it someday. Whether I'm any good or not will be determined, but I'll have finally achieved it and will be proud no matter how shit I am.

2. Singing. Don't get me wrong, I sing all the time. Loudly, badly and proudly. But hey, I get pretty high scores on Singstar, Band Hero and High School Musical 2: Sing It. Unfortunately just because I can match the notes doesn't mean I have any decent singing voice, as anyone who has heard me sing will tell you. And I agree, I sound like a cat being strangled, but I don't care. I enjoy it, and a song can change the way you're feeling. If you're sad, singing loudly along to a track you love just instantly makes you feel that wee bit better. And unfortunately for my family, it has the adverse affect on them. So yeah, I will sing no matter how bad I sound, but I really wish I was a decent singer. Not like pre-drugs Whitney Houston talented, but decent enough to not make people cringe in horror.

3. Play the Guitar. About 3/4 years ago when I still had a paper round I told my parents that I had a plan. I had never saved up and bought myself anything larger than a dvd, and I wanted to change that. I decided that I was going to save up and buy myself an acoustic guitar with my own money. I wanted the sense of achievement of having managed to buy something relatively expensive (for a 14 year old) by myself and without my parents help at all. I was going to do it.
But my parents had other ideas. They hadn't been able to think of a good birthday present for me (we normally get one big present and then tons of smaller ones). So when they heard me talking about buying a guitar they just assumed that I wanted a guitar for the sake of having one, not for the sake of buying it for myself. Cue me waking up on my birthday, going downstairs and finding a pretty decent (i think) Fender guitar sitting downstairs for me. I was both happy and slightly disappointed at the fact that once again, my parents had got me something instead of me getting it independently.  And I know, cry her a river, her parents bought her something oh no *cries*. But the idea of doing it myself was a big deal for me.
And then came the next argument between me and my parents. I knew I was no good at guitar, they thought I must have been alright to want one. I've got no idea what the thing should sound like so it's pretty much always out of tune. This just means that whenever I try to play it, I get moaned at. Then when my parents don't hear me play it for a while I get moaned at for not using it. The fact that I can only really try to learn how to play when there's no one around coupled with the fact that I only get the tv when there's no one around means that I really don't play it that often, and I genuinely don't really know how to. I can't read music or anything.
So long story short, I'd like to learn how the play the guitar. Although automatically being great would also be quite nice.

*Just double checked online and turns out my guitar is a Fender CD-60 (Sunburst). I don't know if that's good or not.*

4. Being Less Awkward. Yeah I wish this was a skill I could learn. Once I've been around people for a while, (or if I instantly connect with them) until I'm comfortable around them I tend to be quite awkward. I think it's because I'm not really an outgoing person until I feel I know people well enough. I'm never the first person to stand up and be like "Hi everyone! Love me!". Or at least not externally. I'm going to get all deep here and explain why I think this is. Basically I think this all comes down to family. I've got a pretty large extended family and yet out of all the cousins and aunts and uncles the person I have the most in common with is this guy:
This picture is not meant to be creepy, it's the first one I found on facebook. I swear.
Yep I'm 18 years old and the person I'm most similar to out of all my teen and preteen- aged cousins is the 5 year old boy. Go me. Seriously though, all my cousins are so preoccupied with how they look and taking constant photos of them all together at family events that I'm either left with the 1 year old, or talking about Spiderman. So I think that because I know I'm not really like most of my family and get left with the wee ones, I'm not really that confident at all meeting new people. So yeah, being less awkward or at the very least more outgoing would be quite nice.

5. Hair. This is a really short one, but I wish I was really good at doing my hair. I've got straightening it down to a tee. But that's all I'm really good at. Except growing it, it grows pretty fast:
 I mean, there's only 6 months between     these photos. Ignore the face on the right,
 I'm ill and don't exactly photograph well #sadface.

That's all I can think of just now. In my defence it's 0130am, and I think I got about 3 hours of sleep last night. Basically the only adverse affect a urine infection has it that I need to pee roughly every half hour. Which isn't fun when you're trying to sleep and have to be awake for a driving lesson. Good times.

Holy crap I had a driving lesson this morning (Thursday) and it suddenly hit me that the next driving lesson I'll have will be at 0715am before my driving test. Unless it snows and my test gets cancelled. BUT STILL! Not sure if I can cope; scary times.

Who knows, maybe while procrastinating from doing the online tests I was supposed to do today but missed because of stupid doctor queues I'll think of more things and write a follow up.

And guys, regardless of what anyone says, when a middle aged man hands you a clear plastic bottle thing and tells you to pee in it, it is horrifically mortifying. Especially when after returning from the loo and having filled the bottle said man opens it and sniffs it. Yuck. 

And on that lovely thought, it's goodbye from me until I next have a spare half hour to write a blog in, Adios!

Tuesday, 11 December 2012

Inspiration Required

So if you've read this blog before you know that I'm quite a boring person.  And being quite boring means that I don't really have a lot to blog about; unless writing "slept in, watched tv all day, went back to sleep" is counted as great blogging. Which it's not. Who knows, maybe one day that's what society will become.

But for now I need things to blog about. When I first started this blog I did a couple of themed blogs; like one on things I was scared of. So to try and make my blogging more interested I want comments in here about what to blog about! I need your help! *imagine the WW2 poster which I can't be bothered googling and pasting here*

So yeah, that's it really. Write a comment on an idea for a themed blog or a topic I can either rant or rave above.
Creative hats on!

Sunday, 25 November 2012

Blog, I Think This Is The Beginning Of A Beautiful Friendship

I've got a lab report about how the body temperature of locusts can affect their movement due in tomorrow at 10am (14 hours away).
So I'm writing this blog. What can I say? I procrastinate. And I do it well.

For what I think is the millionth blog in a row I'll start by saying I've not really done much since my last blog. The truth is that I've actually done a lot; if sleeping, eating, reading books and watching tv actually counted as social activities. Sometimes they do, in the majority of cases for me they don't.

But hey, who needs people when you've got Merlin? Yeah I want people too #sadtimes.

Since I'm on the subject of Merlin I'll start there:
HOLY CRAP HAVE PEOPLE BEEN WATCHING SEASON FIVE?! IT'S FREAKING AMAZING! And if you don't watch it *cough* RHONA. You should be. It's seriously amazeballs.  No judging, that's a real word now. No jokes. I'm ashamed of myself too, don't worry.

So yeah, life-changing events in the past two weeks.. Erm, none I don't think :/. I did have a close brush with losing an eye to scissors, but that's it. And I learnt a valuable lesson from that experience: Never let the hyper dog sit beside you when you're cutting your hair. Especially when you're cutting your fringe and have the sharp meat scissors about half an inch from your eyeballs. I didn't follow this common sensical advice and ended up nearly losing an eye, and having a fringe which is shorted than I wanted and makes me look about 5 years younger:
 Seriously, I look about 12, not 18 :(. Plus ignore my face. My face should just be ignored as a general rule.

But hey, full fringe! You're back! And as much as I hated you when you were first cut about an inch shorter than you were wanted, you're starting to grow on me. A bit.

The rest of the stuff that's happened has been just as small and unimportant.
I beat my 12 year old sister at Monopoly Junior= win
I lost the instructions to the Game Of Life (best game ever) = lose
My football team are now winning 6-4 = win. At least until tonight when we're currently playing the best team in the league. And as I'm typing this sentence we're *just* losing 17-13.
My dad's football team are sucking serious ass. In their current game they're losing 24-3 =win
I lost a bar of chocolate. In my bed. I've been looking for about 3 hours. =lose
I bought a new hat = win
My sleeping patterns are seriously messed up. I've been going to sleep about 5am and waking up about 2pm. Which sucks = lose
So yeah, nothing really important. But anyway, I got a new tshirt! And a belt! And they're both Marvel!

The shirt says "I met him on the web!"
It really is that awesome/sad; delete as you see appropriate.

But hey, in 6 days it's December! And December means Pantomime, food, Christmas jumpers and onesies and generally good times. It also marks the first time Rhona, Emily, Melissa and I will have been together since September. Which has been waay too long.
But I've got my wee Christmas tree for my room, I've got my Santa hats, my Santa costume for the dog <3, Christmas dinner's at my house this year which means I have to make starters for everyone which means pressure which means I'm mildly freaking out.
But hey, CHRISTMAS. Home Alone, Polar Express, presents, and maybe this year I'll finally watch The Snowman. I tried a few years ago, but I fell alseep. Although waking up to the end of The Snowman was more fun than last year when I fell asleep on the sofa and woke up to my Dad hacking at zombies with a rusty knife on Dead Island. That was scary.
Plus I get to open my Spiderman advent calendar :D
The only bad thing about Christmas? I'll end up spending shit loads of money.

So yeah, there's my blog. If I ever do something exciting, you'll know about it. Until then, I hope I don't bore you all too much

Caitlin out bitchez

Sunday, 11 November 2012

Less Of A Random Killing Machine, More Of A Personal Blog

Howdy Blog Readers and fellow inhabitors of Earth!
It's been two weeks since I wrote a blog and I've finished all my weekly tv so I thought I would write one now. Even if I've not done much the past 2 weeks.
Literally all I've done is procrastinated and occasionally socialised. Which is normal for me, nothing exciting there.
Although I did a terrible thing. A truly terrible thing. I missed a lab tutorial on bar graph and writing the results section of a lab report the week I received a new assessment. Guess what it was on? 10 points to you if you said I had to write the results section of a lab report. #Typical. So yeah, I didn't really know what I was doing and according to the chat on the website, neither did anyone else. I'm not even sure the lecturers knew what we were to do. So I put off doing it, like I always do and then realised on the monday morning that I was going to love 50% of the marks if I was late handing it in without an excuse. So I emailed in saying I had a family emergency in England. I'm terrible. But they believed it (not sure how) and I eventually went back to uni on Friday and handed it in :). Well, I say I went back to uni, I turned up, got really bored and left before the second lecture. I'm just a shining example of a model student :D.
Best hot water bottle ever

On a complete side note, I'm typing this at 23.47pm on a Sunday night and I've got this lump sitting on me:
I love having a dog. Even the currently bald one that's making it really difficult to type because she's so far up my legs.
But still, unconditional love=happy Caitlin

In other, slightly boring news I found a tv show called Jake 2.0 that is awesome! It's basically Chuck without the Intersect and with nanites to make him cooler. But it's so good, I recommend it to everyone. Plus (sadly) there's only 16 episodes due to low ratings because of a shit timeslot (UPN 9pm Wednesday) that kills any show placed in it. Shitty UPN and their shitty timeslot placement.
But yeah, watch it. Love it or risk my wrath.

Ignore the face, it's weird. Like always, but still
I also went shopping the other day and in between all the dvds and clothes and a batman mug i got this:
Yep. A giant-assed mug. Which at the minute has 2 pints of milkshake in it and is only about 3/4 full. It's awesome. I'm not even holding it closer to the camera in that picture, it's literally that giant. And that awesome. And my mother hates me because it takes up 3 mug spaces in the dishwasher.

So what else happened this week? I went to a fundraiser quiz and we did pretty darn good if I say so myself. Ok, we came joint 11th out of 20ish teams, but each team had at least one member with our combined ages alone. (Which is an exaggeration because combined we were over 100 years old, but you get the idea). And considering we didn't actually know most of the answers we did good. I think my personal favourite of our answers was to the question "What book is the character Billy Fisher in?" (something like that) with the answer "The Lion, The Witch and Billy Fisher".

Skyfall was freaking amazing! Like ugh it was just so good and I don't even know how to describe it. It was just super amazing even with Lauren sitting going "is that voldemort?" at every actor EXCEPT FOR FREAKING RALPH FIENNES. Seriously Lauren, the Chinese bodyguard guy was not Voldemort! Voldemort was NEVER CHINESE! Plus I saw the Christmas Coke advert so guys, it's Christmas! I've already got my advent calendar; it's spiderman (shock there). Plus Ultimate Spiderman (the disney animated series) got renewed and is in production so that's awesome!

I also got very very drunk on saturday night, but we shall go no further with that particular topic except to question why I got what looks like a carpet burn off the pavement at George Street.
And don't slag my photo taking skills, it's my right knee so it's an awkward photo to take without getting crotch. Which I think I did a wee bit, so sorry guys.

So yeah, I think that was my fortnight. I discovered that Saturday nights out are expensive, pavements hurt when you fall on them, I've developed an addiction to Babybels and Kit Kits (damn you Napier canteen) Jake 2.0 is an awesome show, I don't really like Elementary that much, Arrow is amazing and should be loved by all, my dog is nicer when she's fluffy and can keep me warm, multiple pints of milkshake are the best and last but not least I freaking miss everyone! Like seriously, come back from QMU, Ratho, Aberdeen and Chile. You can all come and live with me and never leave! Please.

Saturday, 27 October 2012

I Love The Smell Of Blogs In The Morning

Things have actually gone alright for me since my last blog. Which is unusual for my life. There are several reasons for this:
I finally got to see Perks of Being A Wallflower. Which was as breathtaking as I thought it would be and more. Seriously, everyone go see this movie. I'll go with you all! But back to the point; the film is just a perfect adaptation with a perfect cast and a perfect soundtrack and perfect visuals and holy crap it was perfect!
Plus it had Logan Lerman in it. And that's always good. Logan Lerman is a god (half literally in Percy Jackson). I mean, look at his face: 

Perfection right there.

Who wouldn't love that face? It's perfect. Much like Perks of Being A Wallflower was. God I love Logan Lerman. Gah!

I finally PASSED MY THEORY TEST! And I've booked my practical, but you're never finding out about it until I've passed or failed it. No matter how much anyone begs or bribes (I accept chocolate).  I may have forgotten about it and only studied the night before (in between about 5 episodes of Suits) but I still did it :D. And I didn't have to pay my parents for failing it, which is always a bonus. But woo, only lost 4 marks on the entire test so I'm pretty damn chuffed, yay.
I went on a night out the other Wednesday and got bought (i haven't done English for a while, shh) about 25 drinks, which is always pretty good :). On said Wednesday I also got chatted up about 10 times and asked out. Just shows what spending about 10 minutes extra getting ready and not sleeping in and rushing can do for you. Apparently a lot.

I've seen some pretty kick-ass TV episodes recently. Between 1.5 series of Suits (credit to Rhona, my bad), and the most recent episodes of Grimm, Supernatural, and season 3 of Vampire Diaries my TV schedule has done pretty damn good. And from me, that's saying something. If you don't watch any of the shows mentioned, you should. You're missing out.

I got some books I wanted pretty cheaply on offer. Basically, I worked out a way to scam W H Smith, and I like not spending crap loads of money. I had a couple of vouchers, a discount card and a 3 for 2 offer on kids books. I bought 3 books which should have cost me £21. I spent £5. #Winning

I got a badass Space Invaders t-shirt. And regardless of what my family thinks, it's cool. Or at least I think it does, which probably means it isn't. But ah well, I love it. And that's all that matters, isn't it. The picture won't go in here, so it's going to randomly be at the bottom. #rubbishtechnology

The iPhone deal I'm getting has come in, which hopefully means I get my new phone this week and get rid of my shitty Samsung temp. Seriously, I think the Samsung is about 20 years old. It's awful. Plus there's the fact that a 31 minute phone call cost me £11. How do people survive on pay as you go? I'm struggling and I've had it for 8 days.

Some also great but not as important things:
1) The new Total Film magazine came out this month. Even though I did look really weird looking at the mens magazines right beside all the ones like 'Nuts' and 'FHM'. Morrisons staff member that asked me if I was in the right place: a) Bit homophobic there dude, maybe I wanted to see naked women?(i didn't) b) I swear I was looking at all the Sci Fi magazines! c) I went 'omg i must have that!' at The Hobbit holographic covers on Empire, not at the Nuts magazine.
2) I bought new chocolate milkshake powder and Nesquik cereal. It's the little things guys.
3) Bought new hairdye, good bye weird looking brown roots and highlights in otherwise black hair. Normality <3
4) Shit happened, I was ok with it. I think. Ask me again next week. But for now, I'm ok with it.
5) Got to babysit my now 1 year old (as of today!) neighbour again and I love him. I want a baby. Mum's ordered me to wait at least 10 years. Despite my badgering, she still won't have a forth. If the idea of it wasn't so gross I'd steal all her pill supplies. But ew, we're onto a bad subject now...
6) Said baby neighbour loves me! We were over there today (27th) and he spent the entire time either sitting on me or trying to get to me. Plus I got given cake, which we then shared. Guys, it was cuteness overload.

So yeah, it's been a pretty decent week for me this week. Which probably means that this was a boring blog, but who cares? You do? Oh.. never mind then...

Said promised Space Invader t-shirt:

To quote Russell Howard: Goodnight my friends!

Wednesday, 17 October 2012

You Bloggin' To Me?

I haven't blogged for nearly 2 weeks, which in blog terms is like 10 years, so I thought I'd blog again.
But to be honest, I'm a boring person so this probably won't be a very long blog.
Especially since the lack of comments or anything on my recent blogs suggest you guys aren't reading these anymore #sadface

So anyway, life.
'So how has your life been?' You might ask. In short, I haven't really done much, so there's not much to tell. But I shall anyway, just because it's my blog and I can write the biggest amount of crap if I want to.

And speaking of 'my' blog, MELISSA WRITE A DAMN BLOG ALREADY!
There, got it out of my system :).

I've spent the majority of the past 2 weeks either having tons of money or having none. In the space of a week I managed to spend £120. Wowzers (People should say wowzers more often. Try it, it's great). But in my defence I managed to get 2 books, a poster, a tv series, high-tops, and shit loads of food. Because who needs money when you can buy food? Except for when you have no money to buy food with. But sh, leave me alone.
So then came a week where I had to either blag a lift or walk to uni. Which is horrible guys! 2 hours of trekking either on busy roads or through a field. And a muddy field in the rain does not mix with £1.50 canvas shoes from Primark.
And buses! Buses have become the bane of my life. The past few days I've had drivers who won't go above 20mph, drivers who run red lights, drivers who FORGET THEIR BLOODY ROUTES and go the wrong bloody way and drivers who have questioned my bus discount card which clearly looks like me and clearly states "valid until 21 June 2013". Although I have gotten away with paying about £2 less for a day ticket than I should, which is great.

'How's uni going?' is another question you might ask. The answer? It's actually pretty good. I'm hardly in uni and when I am in it's not for very long. Except every second Wednesday. When I have a 3 hour gap. Because damn you lecturers. On the other hand my lecturers are actually pretty great. They're all "we're all equals, call us by our first names while we tell you about the years we've spent researching in Kenya and Madagascar". Yeah, because I really feel like an equal there.
Probably the worst thing to happen to me in uni was in the Practical Lab on Monday. We were supposed to use this wee needle thing, put it on our fingers and push the lever to send the needle into our skin. Which sounds easy, but is really scary. Even though you know it's only a pinprick, you still don't want to jab a needle into your own skin. It's not really a normal thing to do. But I did it! And in a typical Caitlin fashion I did it wrong. Instead of holding the needle still, I got a massive fright when it clicked and jabbed me, twitched and threw the needle a good 8 feet across the room. And I managed to puncture a couple of veins in the process. Cue my finger pouring with blood, and still bleeding 4 hours later. I even bled through about 40 layers of tape. Which is bad. So bad that I went pale, shaky and nearly passed out. Which lead to the one advantage of nearly bleeding myself out: my lecturer bought me a venti hot chocolate. My first ever venti from Starbucks!
Don't judge me for my Xbox love
Charlotte, you are now my favourite lecturer! Except for Ah Nya, because Ah Nya rules. And not only because she's an environmental biology who's email address is A.Plant, or because she somehow has my mobile number even though I've never given it to her. If she ever wanted to become a stalker, she has the right set of skills.

The bittersweet thing about the past 2 weeks? I've spent most of them sitting on my arse drinking chocolate milkshake while eating chocolate bars. Although I have gotten through a good 2500 pages of various books, which is always an achievement to me.
And it's been my mum's birthday which means one thing:

So life's been alright. I finally have money again, (£100!! confetti and rainbows and ponies!), although I'm out tonight (Wed) and Saturday, so goodbye money.

And now you've read this massively long blog post. 'What's in it for me?' I hear you ask? This:

Thursday, 4 October 2012

Fasten Your Seatbelts, It's Going To Be A Bumpy Blog

My blogs seem to be coming thick and fast and probably very boring right now. But ah well, deal with it.

So what to write about this time? Well, at this precise moment (5pm on a thursday) I'm sitting in my bed surrounded by empty Lucozade Sport bottles wearing pig pyjamas and an Avengers t-shirt. No joke. See? Proof:

There's also the fact I've looked like this all week. Yep, rather pathetic.

(GUYS GUYS GUYS MY HAIR IS KIND OF CURLY! Or it was yesterday before I slept on it)

So that gave me an idea. I'll write about the weird things I do. Maybe someone out there in the far reaches of the galaxy will actually give a damn. But hey, my blog, shut up and read. Or close the page, whatever dude, pfft.

1) I sleep facing away from the door. Now I didn't think this was weird, apparently it is. According to Sheldon Cooper (he's real goddammit!) it's basic instinct to face the door in case of an intruder. Yet it's my window that scares me most. I mean my room is not the most obvious room in the house, yet my window has a sloped roof in front of it and everything. Jeez, if I was a burglar I'd go in through the window. It's also to do with the way I sleep and if I faced the door I'd probably suffocate. Which would be unpleasant. For me at least.

2) I collect nerdy mugs. I've got them all. From Doctor Who, to an original 2001 Harry Potter to Supernatural and Back To The Future to my recently aquired Spiderman, I love mugs. But not any old mugs, ah, I like the nerdy ones. The ones from shows or movies I like, the ones that most normal people wouldn't have. Why? Because those mugs are the coolest. They're not just plain or a general pattern, they show a bit of who I am. And if you don't want to learn what tv shows the person who owns the mug that you're randomly drinking out of loves, then you don't deserve to use their mug.

3) I spend crap loads of money on stuff I never use in public. I don't know how many t-shirts I own that I'll probably only rarely, or never, use where people can see me. My AC/DC, Avengers, Gryffindor, Supernatural or Bucs t-shirts aren't really going to give people the impression of me that I want them to get. So I usually only wear them in the house or as pjs. Combined I think these things cost me roughly £120- which is a lot for lazy clothes. But hey, why not dress nicely for sleeping?

4) I get really really really addicted to tv shows. If I find a tv show I like, I will watch it. All of it. Non stop. For days. Until I finish it. And then I'll drive myself crazy waiting for the next season to begin. And while I'm waiting I'll start a new tv show and the whole thing repeats itself over and over again until it becomes a never ending cycle which results in me never leaving my room, becoming completely antisocial and evolving so I never have to move. Yeah, the ideal life. Except for the antisocial part. Although I suppose I could just get visitors. Yeah, I like that idea.

5) World's. Fussiest. Eater. So at the point of writing this I haven't eaten anything for days. All I've had has been water and Lucozade Sport. Yay. But even on a normal day I eat very badly. The main part of a normal person's diet? Fruit and vegetables. Main part of my diet? Chocolate. I'm the type of person that will sit and say "god damn I need to lose weight" and then eat an entire bar of Galaxy. Which doesn't exactly help with the losing of weight. But it get fussier than eating chocolate and not fruit and veg. I like pretty much all fish, but not any other form of seafood. I don't like red meat, unless it's a steak pie. I eat potatoes: boiled, mashed, baked (all without skin, which is yucky) but roast potatoes? Holy crap they're gross.  But as I always say, if I ate the same things as every one else, it'd be boring. Easier, but boring.

I can't even think of anything to write. Maybe I'm just used to myself and the weird things I do, or maybe I'm more normal than I thought.
Yeah, definitely not the latter.
Who knows, maybe I'll update this as some point. Help would be appreciated :D

Tuesday, 2 October 2012

Here's Looking At You, Blog

To me, the idea of spending a couple of days lounging around the house sounds great. Better than great. It means I can eat what I want, look as horrible I want, where whatever the hell I want and do whatever I want (to a certain degree: parents eugh).
I can watch entire TV seasons in a day, spend hours playing COD or Lego Harry Potter, eat an entire tub of Ben And Jerry's. Just have fun.

Until the addition of illness. Then it becomes the complete opposite of fun. It becomes like a prison. The idea of not going outside makes it feel like you're stuck inside rather than choosing to ignore the outside world. The Xbox and the Wii are downstairs; a place that seems miles away.
And Ben And Jerry's? Those once-delicious tubs of ice cream start to sound as appealing as a vat of toxic waste. (Although if I could get superpowers, I'd eat so much toxic waste).

Yep, you may have guessed: I'm ill. And I'm really not happy about it.

I've spent the past two days lying in bed watching tv and reading books. Sounds great fun, it isn't. I can't sit up for more than an hour, so I constantly have to bend my neck in ways it isn't supposed to bend. Which doesn't exactly make you feel better. At all.
Then there's the fact that I have 3 lab sessions on Microbiology, which count for 25% of my module mark (made up of attendance and a lab report) meaning I have to write a lab report on experiments I've never done and put down results I don't have. Yay. 3rd week at uni and I'm failing already.

The worst thing about being ill? I haven't eaten since sunday night. And what I ate on sunday night didn't stick around past monday morning. This just means that I'm constantly craving food, I'm constantly starving. And I can't eat for fear of a reoccurence of monday morning. Let's go no further than that except to say it was bad, real bad.
And the worst thing about craving food and being hungry? It usually results in me dry-heaving over the toilet for about an hour. Which unsurprisingly enough; isn't fun. At all.
And sleep. Ugh, it's decided to screw with me even more. I fell asleep at 8.30pm last night on the floor of the toilet, and woke up in bed at 4am. I've been awake since. BODY, WHY DO YOU HATE ME?

Only 4 good things have happened to me since Sunday night:
1) I got to rewatch all of 'The Fades' and it was as amazing as before.
2) A new episode of Castle came out this morning (Tuesday)
3) A planned trip to Looper was cancelled, so I didn't have to disappoint anyone by not being able to go.
4) Ellie hasn't left my side since Monday morning. She slept beside me last night, and either sits beside me during the day or sleeps on the floor. Here she is right now (12.48, Tuesday) :

Now that's love. And maybe just because my floor's really comfy with it's mixture of cushions, onesies, and a sleeping bag that she's made her bed.

I'll not even post a picture of myself, somehow the webcam makes me look about a million times better than I feel. Shock I look good on camera when I'm stuck in bed and not going out or anything.
*shakes fist angrily*

In conclusion? Being ill sucks, but then I'm sure everyone would agree.

Thursday, 27 September 2012

May The Blog Be With You

So I've decided that I'm rubbish at blogging about for my life for 2 reasons. 

1) My life isn't all that unusual or interesting
2) The majority of it is spent watching tv in my room. Seriously, I spend at least 3 hours a day doing exactly that. Sitting on my bed watching tv usually with chocolate nearby. Remember that gym application? Yeah, it's somewhere on my floor right now. Under mounds of chocolate wrappers.

But when you're life is boring, what can you blog about? I asked this question on google plus earlier, and didn't really get much of a response except slight mocking. Which I was afraid of. Which in turn gave me an idea. Why not write about what I was afraid of. So that's what I'm going to do.

(It's also come to my attention that these blogs seem to be getting quite personal. Hmm. Ah well, I shall continue)

Alrighty, here it is: The Things I Am Afraid Of:

Seriously, just look at that face
Jim Carrey. Yep. I'm that weird. Although I must admit I do like Bruce Almighty. Even if he is god damn terrifying in that film too. But Morgan Freeman makes up for it. Have you heard him speak? Seen his face? Morgan Freeman is just plain awesome.

But Jim Carrey? Ugh, I shudder at his name. He over-acts, he overdoes facial expressions, he overdoes annoying things and ugh.. just... I can't even begin on how bloody irritating he is.

And yet he has a career. A relatively successful one. I fear for the future of the human race. I met someone who was friends with him growing up. They looked scarred. I can't really blame them. If I ever watch Ace Ventura for more than 2 minutes, I start to feel it. Even the phrase "alrighty then" isn't so alright anymore. It's just plain terrifying. Like both Jim himself, and the fact he has a career still.

Sorry spiders
Spiders. I know, I know, not very unusual. But they are just so bloody scary. To be honest, there's not really much about spiders that scare me. If they stay still I'm fine (unless they're big, or a tarantula). But when a spider moves, shit goes down. It's the motion of the legs... nothing (except octupi which are cool) should have 8 legs. Especially on land. Especially when they're just so ugly. This is quite a short paragraph, mainly because it's an obvious fear and I don't really have to explain it.

But maybe I'm being harsh to spiders about their ugliness. I mean, I do have this picture on my computer (on the right).

Being An Old Cat Lady. Again, an obvious one. But let me explain. I'm not a very friendly person. I mean, sure I have friends. But I have no idea how. I'm not particularly nice, or patient or kind or anything that attracts friends.
 And I know I'm going to get comments like "but you have friends! you're a great person! everyone loves you!" (i can dream), but let me correct you. Yes I have friends, but I'm really not that great a person. As mentioned before, most of my life is spent watching tv. Not the most social of activities but somehow I have managed to turn it in to one. I'm not sure how either.
So yeah, just now I have friends. My main worry is that they all make better friends at uni (wouldn't be too hard) and I don't. I end up sitting here in my bedroom 24/7 instead of just 12/6.
The cats I think I'll just get to better fit the stereotype that will be my life. I'd rather have dogs, but they don't seem as sad.
Although the fact that I have to fight for my pillow every night is kind of sad.

Mocking. Not of me, I can cope with being mocked. In fact it happens frequently. And if you read any of my blogs, you'll realise that most of the mocking is done by me.
So what am I scared of people mocking? Sadly and nerdly (I'm inventing words, woo! see you biology degree, hello English) I'm usually scared of someone mocking a tv show or movie I like. Like the following conversation with my dad about The Forbidden Kingdom dvd which arrived yesterday:
Dad: "Is this really the dvd you ordered?"
Me: "Yeah... why?"
Dad: "Because I watched this when it came out and it's a steaming pile of crap"
Me: "Oh.. ok... I'm going to cry now."

The Last Airbender: The Legend of Korra Poster
Legend Of Korra. So much awesome
I'm so into my tv and movies that I'm constantly worried what people will think of me for some of the shows I watch. Will watching Teen Titans, Young Justice and Avatar: The Last Airbender and Legend of Korra make me seem really immature and nerdy? Even though they have more adult viewers than child and massive adult and cult followings? To most people, these shows wouldn't even be worth a watch. To me, the quality of writing, story-telling, and plain beauty in the animation are so much more than you'd find in adult shows. And that's why so many people love them. Look at the IMDB ratings for these shows. Legend Of Korra has 9.2, The Last Airbender 9, Young Justice 8.8, even Teen Titans has a 7.5 rating. Shows like HIMYM and Big Bang only have ratings of 8.6, lower than 3 of the shows mentioned.
Yet most people would mock me to hell and back for watching, and loving these shows. Especially since I've watched 3/4 since being 13. So sure, mock me. IF you've watched the show. If you haven't, watch them (seriously, they're great) and then you can judge me.

I should point out that the vast majority of the tv shows I watch and love are adult shows. Just saying.

Train Toilets. I'm not going too far into this one. Let's just hypothetically say that I was on a train home from Glasgow when the toilet door didn't lock while I was peeing, a guy opened it before hypothetically announcing to the entire carriage that there was a "lassie daeing a jobby". And then I hypothetically had to walk the entire length of the laughing carriage back to my seat at the very back.

But it's all hypothetical of course.

I wish.

Endings. Whether a book series ending, a tv show ending or the end of a movie franchise I hate endings. All endings. Especially if they're cliffhanger-y or just bad. It means that the excitement of waiting for the next movie;book;episode is over. There will never be a new part, a new joy of discovering another plot line. New characters, new struggles, obstacles, excitement, emotions, nothing. There is only disappointment in a bad or unworthy ending, or longing for unanswered questions to get the answers they so richly deserve.
It's not only a hatred of endings though. That wouldn't be make onto a 'fear' list. I'm always terrified of reaching the end of something I love and have loved for a while only to be disappointed or questioning. In fact I normally put off or avoid reading or watching the last book or episode. I only recently watched the finale of Smallville about 2 years after it had actually aired. Because I'd watched 10 seasons of the show, I really wanted it to keep on going. Or end really well. Which it actually did. Even if we never actually got to see Tom Welling in the complete costume. We saw enough. I was happy. Which is rare. Especially if the ending was never intended to be the ending *cough* REAPER *cough* FIREFLY *cough* DEMONS *cough* THE FADES....
I could go on. But I won't.
Even the Hunger Games. "I'm Katniss, I'm being all badass, I just murdered a guy, woah I'm kind of insane and you have no idea how angry I am and what's going to happen! it's now years later and I'm married to the kid who threw me bread in the dirt once." SERIOUSLY SUZANNE COLLINS? DID YOU HAVE A DEADLINE YOU WERE LATE FOR AND HAD TO QUICKLY WRAP UP OR SOMETHING? GRR

Now JK Rowling; that woman knows how to do an ending. Wrap everything up, show the future so you show what happens to the characters, the right thing to do.
Unlike Anthony Horowitz who killed off one of the best characters in the Alex Rider series in such an irritating way.
You're going to burn in a very special level of hell. A level they reserve for child molesters and people who talk at the theater.
Aaah an ending :O

I'm aware that this is getting long, so it's ending time

My biggest fear is also the most stupid on this list. But it's the one fear that I have nightmares about. The one fear that causes me to wake up shouting or screaming, all sweaty and breathing heavily.

It's a pebble. Going round a maze. While I've got a zoomed in view.

I know, call the fright police, it's horrifying.

I don't even know what's so scary about it, it just is. I've had the nightmare at least fortnightly since I was three. I've never been beaten with a pebble, or forced round a maze so it's never made sense to me. Or anyone else. But dear God is it f*cking terrifying. It's as scary as a Jim Carrey marathon, a bed full of spiders, my entire biology course (140 people) slagging off Psych, using a train toilet on the stage of Madison Square Gardens, the ending to The Fades ("there's more of them coming, this was only the beginning." "we'll be ready"... sorry guys, this show's been cancelled) and this:
Yeah I know, I have a great future as a photoshopper ahead of me.

So now you know my deepest darkest fears.  Only 3 rules remain.

1) If you tell anyone, I will have to kill you. All of you. Until I'm the only person left in the world. With millions of cats... FUCK, DON'T TELL ANYONE!! EVER!
2) Don't use these to mock me. Please.
3) Don't ask. I'm weird, you should all know this by now.

Caitlin out bitchez.

PS. 10 points to whoever finds a reference in here! and 10 points if you can tell me what it's from!! (Rhona, you've probably got an advantage here...)

Sunday, 23 September 2012

Blog Ahead, Make My Day

Family. Just what exactly is a family?
"Ohana means family. Family means no one get left behind or forgotten." That's how Disney says it.
According to sociology, the family has the primary function of reproducing society. Ew
For Angelina Jolie: "Family is what grounds you."
Family means and is something different to everyone. For some it's living hell, for some it is a real life paradise.
For me it varies between the two.
Don't get me wrong, sometimes my family is great.
Like this:

Sometime's they're downright hilarious, like this:

And other times? Well. Other times it's nothing like that at all. It's screaming and fighting and horrible and annoying and nasty and accusing and just not fun at all.
Now I'm not a saint. I'll admit that to anyone. I have my problems, I'm not holier than thou and I do my fair share of the bickering too. But it's the times where I do nothing wrong that I seem to get moaned at the most. And that pisses me off like nothing on earth.

Don't believe me do you? Okay then, an example is needed. 
Yesterday (Saturday 22nd) I was going upstairs and heard my dad talking to someone. I asked "who were you talking to?". What I got was a massive yelled rant about he is allowed to talk to people without having to answer to me and I should mind my own business. But with many expletives that I have excluded. Makes no sense to you? Good, I'm not the only one.

And that's when family is the worst. My parents can go through days of ignoring my existence for the most stupid things; me having a different tea to them because I don't like pork, watching a movie or tv show without my dad even though I taped it, having a can of Irn Bru because all I do is sit on my arse and drink fizzy juice all day. At the time of the Irn Bru incident, it was my first fizzy juice in about a fortnight.
But seriously, my parents can over-react. If there was an Over-Reacting Competition (there probably is somewhere) my parents would win the first prize every time.

Most recent example? This morning. I put a sock in the washing after my mum had already done that wash and apparently that ruined everything. Why the sock couldn't just wait in the basket until the next wash? I have no clue. So I got told to stay in my room because she "couldn't even look" at me for a while. So I've done as I was told, stayed in my room and what just happened?
I got yelled at. Again. For not having showered. Even though I was told not to leave my room, and last time I checked there wasn't a shower in there.

But on the other hand, sometimes my family is great. We all get along, have movie nights with chocolate and chinese food, we go on walks along a beach, kayaking at the reservoir. We just have fun. 

But recently the good and bad has been about 50/50. Especially with my sisters who can be all "do you want a drink when I go through?" to "get yourself a fucking drink!" 30 seconds later. And there's Lauren, who has recently discovered that although mum can hear her swear from another room, she can't hear the movement of her middle finger flicking up at me. And that's my 12 year old sister. God knows what's going to happen once she turns about 15.

So recently I've come to a conclusion:
I sometimes like my family, I sometimes don't. But I don't have a choice about who they are. I have to live with them, put up with them and somehow come out unscathed. So they're my mandatory family. The family I'm forced into having.

(Except for Ellie.. #alwaysandforever)

And the family that I choose? The 'ohana' that grounds me?
I think you all know the answer

And don't even get me started on my Aunty Paula...

Saturday, 22 September 2012

60 Second Screenplay for DKR

Ok, this is another departure from proper blogging, but I got Total Film magazine and this was in it. And it was too great not to share. Especially since I'm somehow getting views from North America and Germany- I  have no clue.

But anyway, here is Total Film's 60 second version of The Dark Knight Rises:

Masked mercenary TOM HARDY hijacks a plane mid-flight to show how badass he is.

Fargarble bwurble sassen frassen rassen

Er... what?

Ah, you must not be watching this at the Imax. (Clears throat) I said, Bane on this plane means Bruce Wayne will be slain...

Cat burglar ANNE HATHAWAY breaks into CHRISTIAN BALE's safe.

You're not the French maid hooker I ordered! I must stop you with my bow and arrow as archery is so hot right now.

Whatever, grandpa.I'm out of here, but not before kicking your ass to show how frail you've become in exile. Laters!

Don't worry Master Wayne, it's me job to look after you and talk slowly and distinctly.

I' a suspiciously useless character. Pay me no attention.

Mr Wayne? Police. I'm a righteous orphan who wants to fight crime.

You're... you're not Robin, are you?

Everyone knows Robin wouldn't work in these movies. I knew you were Batman when I saw you smile because we're both secretly sad.

Whatever. As long as you're not Robin. Time to suit up!

TOM HARDY shoots up the stock exchange to defraud CHRISTIAN BALE, even though everyone sees him do it. Batman takes chase.
I can take you to Tom Hardy's secret underground lair.

What the... A trap? It's true what they say: never trust a criminal who hates everything you stand for.

Mr Wayne! All aboard Bane's pain train!

TOM dumps CHRISTIAN in a prison pit on the other side of the world while he threatens to nuke Gotham.

Damn you, Bane! Gotham is dying while I'm stuck in this hellhole!

We have sunlight and food, and no guards. Think of it as a gym.

I'll climb out of this pit, despite my serious injuries!

Buoyed by CHRISTIAN BALE's return, Gotham rises up in a way that people who haven't seen the film will compare to the Occupy movement.

Can I kill Bane? I don't know what he was saying anyway.

Lame. [DIES]

I'm the REAL villain! Time to destroy Gotham for reasons my father only partially conveyed!

Never! I'll use my flying thingy to explode the nuke over water.

The nuke explodes, killing CHRISTIAN BALE, except MICHAEL CAINE later spots him with ANNE HATHAWAY in Florence.

With Gotham safe and me free of Batman I can finally live my life in peace. Because I've not done that for the past 8 years...

By the way, I AM Robin.

[Expletive-filled rant]


I hope you loved this as much as I did.

Tuesday, 11 September 2012

Tweets from my cousin

So I just found my cousin's twitter page. It's too good not to share <3

For anyone wanting the full experience:

But here are some of my favourites:

What does cryptic mean? I thought it was the egyptian language?
just fucking fuck off and dont come fucking back
the only words i can really say right now about how im feeling is fuck fuck shitty fuck
going to attemp finishing to kill a mocking bird online without my glasses, wish me luck!.
5 minutes later
who the fuck is Atticus?
1 hour later
if Atticus is her dad then why not call him dad? would help so much
i've changed my outfit like three times today.
Watching baby programmes like One Born or even Teen Mom and 16 and Pregnant make me want to have a baby even more
your flirting tactics are so shit, they make me cringe
got called a over-reactive c*** today...hmmm thats a new one  (I added the stars, she put the words)
hate when i tell someone to "shut the fuckup" it sometimes comes out as "fuck the shut up"..
my goal in life is for one of the kardashians to adopt me :)

And many many more. Including this:
There's so many pretty girls on twitter and I'm just sitting here like a potato or fetus or something

Which made me laugh because here's some of the photos she takes and posts online:

And my family think I'm weird.

Seriously guys, help me.

Monday, 10 September 2012

I'm going to make him a blog he can't refuse.

University. That big scary place which my mum had to practically kick me out of the car to get me to attend today. There was blood shed, tears cried and dropouts attempted. But I went. And I'm so glad I did.

So I'm studying Animal Biology at Edinburgh Napier University for the next 4 years. Year one consists of all the biology students sharing lectures and doing basic biology. This is what I walked into today:

Imagine that amount of people in one room. Yeah, I needed a new pair of pants too.

Okay, so I'm slightly exaggerating. But there was still 140 people I had never seen before aged from 17 to 46 all talking and shouting and being generally intimidating. After 5 minutes, this was me:

And that's not even exaggerated at all.

Cue a really boring hour long lecture where some professor (or Charlotte, as Napier is all very "call us by our first names, we're awesome! love us!") talked about how great biology was. Well no, we all hate it. That's why we've decided to do a 4 year course in it.
In said boring lecture I made human contact!
 And yep, it really was that dramatic

But hey, when you meet someone called Sarah Moon (get the picture now? huh, huh? no? ok then...) you just have to talk to them! And I did, hopefully without seeming too clingy. Maybe.

This was followed by some team building exercises because why work at university when you can team build? This is Napier's entire attitude to life. And I love it. Mainly because I don't like work, but whatever works.

And that's pretty much how my first day at uni went. I think I'm going to like it. I've got about 6 people that I've formed a wee group with (gym memberships together and everything. I know-me- at a gym!) and they're all pretty great. None of them are anything like friends I already have, Sarah's the less egotistical Nina Nesbitt of Napier. But they're still pretty great. And surprisingly; so's Napier.

Turns out the entire week is all team building, health and safety lectures (blowing up the lab is bad!) and matriculation. I've got Tuesday off, Thursday is optional and Friday is an hour at most :D. My kind of week. Even proper timetabled time (?) is pretty damn good. On Mondays we're even in the lab for 5 hours straight; which is much better than sitting in a lecture hall for 1 or 2 hours without moving. Although there's a Starbucks downstairs meaning I can drink hot chocolates in lectures. Maybe by the time my hot chocolate is cool enough the lecture will nearly be over! #win

So in conclusion (my A in English is not wasted) I like university. A lot more than I thought I would. I like the university, I like that the gym is cheap and I won't get judged (except by all the really hot guys who were benching my body weight when we checked the guys... I mean gym out earlier). Plus the student discounts aren't too bad.

Tuesday, 4 September 2012

Frankly, my blog, I don't give a damn

So I've spent most of my day watching old Nostalgia Chick videos. The last video I watched from her was one where she spoke about her Top 11 'Guilty Pleasure' Movies. In this video she mentions how everyone has movies that they love even though they shouldn't. Which got me thinking: what are my guilty pleasure movies?
So here's my countdown. In no particular order, my Guilty Pleasure Movies:

Arthur And The Invisibles (2002)

This film basically tells the story of a 10 year old boy played by Freddie Highmore (who is great by the way!) who gets shrunk down and turned into CGI where he meets the Minimoys. Basically shit goes down involving some evil guy trying to buy his house and he eventually using the Minimoys to stop this happening.

Now this film came out when I was 12 but I still remember going to cinema with my family and falling in love. A 12 year old shouldn't like this movie, an 18 year old REALLY shouldn't like this movie yet I do. It's just such a well told story with beautiful animation and Freddie Highmore being as badass as a 10 year old can be. The film did alright at the box office and received average reviews but deserved so much more. It was simply a great movie. Even though it's not really the type of movie you could admit to loving.

But don't get me started on the sequels. We'll pretend they don't exist.

The Last Airbender (2007)

Let me just start by admitting that this is a shit movie. It's just really really bad. Damn you M.Night Shyamalan. You took an amazing tv show renowned for it's energy and creativity and drained the life out of it.
Yet I still really love this movie. It's not something I can explain, I think it's more to do with my complete and utter adoration for the original show (which you should watch, regardless of your age). So while I can admit this movie's many many flaws there's something about it that's still great. Although it could have been waaay better. (Again, fuck you M Night Shyamalan). Surprisingly this one actually did alright at the box office even if it did win 5 Razzies and was one of the worst rated films of the year. Hell even one of it's main actors admitted that the screenplay was good until the director ruined it. And when your own stars are saying you're shit; it's time to choose a new job.

Sky High (2005)

Ah Disney, why are your movies always so great? Especially Sky High. Normally comedies about superhero's don't work out so well. Especially when mixed with Disney's favourite movie location: a high school. Yet where this film should fail so badly it succeeds. Even if I do admit that the villian's plot to turn everyone into babies to raise them as super villians is weird. But it still works! Because that's how generally great Disney is, how great Michael Angarano is (trust me) and how great Sky High is. In every point where it should suck it's just plain awesome. But yes, it is a Disney film about teenage superhero offspring going to high school, so I shouldn't love it as much as I do. But I think everyone should.

Forbidden Kingdom (2008)

Talking of Michael Angarano brings me to The Forbidden Kingdom. This is probably the least known film on this list, however it's probably the highest rated. And my favourite movie, possibly of all time. This film has nearly everything I love in a film: a good story, Jackie Chan and Jet Li being all badass and martial arts-y, the underdog plot, a teenage guy saving the world. And Michael Angarano, which is always a plus. The action scenes are truly great to watch and the story is intriguing, making you want to see how the film ends. I saw this film by mistake years ago when my dad made a typo on Lovefilm, and yet it is probably the film that I've seen the most often (with the exception of 68's Oliver!). So yeah, slag me all you want, but watch the film and you'll see where I'm coming from. Unless you hate martial arts films, in which case gtfo.

Thunderbirds (2004)

Which brings me to the last film on the list. This is probably my second favourite movie of all time as well as the one I'm most ashamed to admit loving. It was a massive box office failure and has been horribly reviewed yet there's just something about it. The film knows it's bad and it accepts this and does the only thing it can: has fun with itself. It wants nothing from the viewer and so doesn't really warrant an emotional investment. It's just an hour and a half of shameless, childish fun. And isn't that what the original tv show was about? Although there's a couple of bad acting performances in this *cough* Ben Kingsley, it's actually a good film. A great film even. But since most people hate it, and the fact that it is a 'kids' movie, it's the one that I'm most embarrassed to admit watching every 2 months and still loving the fact that it never gets old, or bad. Even though it is quite bad. Ugh I'm sorry, I just love it so much.

Forgive me society?